Suggestion: Coffee biscuit turn-in as a Miqobot function?

Forum Forums Discussion Suggestion: Coffee biscuit turn-in as a Miqobot function?


This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Xion 3 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #29964


    Is it possible to have an official Miqobot feature for coffee biscuit turn-ins? I know it’s possible to do it in the scenario function but it’s very prone to make mistakes most of the time like, for a few turn-ins it works, and then suddenly it goes on the support desk section xD. It would really be awesome if we can turn in Coffee biscuits with Miqobot reading the memory of the game with checks and anything so it would have fewer or no mistakes at all! 😀


    Yes, levequests support is already planned for future versions of Scenario Engine.
    You can find more information here: Planned Funcions

    Thank you for your request!



    Is this the most popular leve simply for the gil it gives?

    Also how are people supposedly spamming this leve.. aren’t the leves you can get from an NPC random? Or is there a way to gurantee being able to get the leve again?


    Is this the most popular leve simply for the gil it gives?

    Also how are people supposedly spamming this leve.. aren’t the leves you can get from an NPC random? Or is there a way to gurantee being able to get the leve again?

    Yes, it’s the one people are doing for the Honest Gillionaire achievement, since it gives ~18k gil per leve (~6k x 3) if you turn in 9 HQ coffee biscuits.

    The leve is always available. Only I think the 1-50 leves appeared “random” since there were 4 per level set (and only 3 could show up at a time). There’s only 3 per level set in expansions. The order, however, is still random.



    Is this the most popular leve simply for the gil it gives?

    Also how are people supposedly spamming this leve.. aren’t the leves you can get from an NPC random? Or is there a way to gurantee being able to get the leve again?

    It’s not the highest but the most convient one, since cookies stacks. The most money reward is “Keeping Loyalty” leve, but it requires 3x Dwarven Mythril File which obviously doesn’t stack. It used mainly as a semi-passive moneymaker and working towards “Honest Gillionaire achivement (get 10m gil from leve rewards)

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