Sohm Al Navigation Error

Forum Forums Discussion Sohm Al Navigation Error

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Miqobot Miqobot 3 years, 1 month ago.

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    When running the Sohm Al combat scenario, after pulling the first group of enemies my character appears to get trapped in a loop of jumping and attempting to teleport. This also occurs after the transition to the second floor before the first group of enemies is pulled.
    Pulling up the 3d radar, it appears as though the floor layer is too high above the character to properly move to the next group of enemies. I’m able to manually correct this by moving my character forward, but that requires me to baby my screen each time it happens. I was hoping someone might know of a fix for this, or if it’s just an accidental byproduct of the recent patches.


    This issue usually indicates that there is a keybind conflict in your game settings.
    You can find the detailed explanation of this problem in our Keybinds and Icons Recognition guide.

    Our Tech Support can analyze your keybind mappings and identify the exact cause.
    If you require technical assistance, please contact us directly:

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