SMN Scenario?

Forum Forums Grids and Presets SMN Scenario?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Narev Narev 5 years, 6 months ago.

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    Hey, there all. A tad new here so I apologize if this is in the wrong section, or if this has already been posted somewhere OR if this is just too much to be asked but I was wondering if someone could make an effective scenario or even just grids work too so I can quickly level summoner with ease from 30-50. I see there are plenty of stuff made from 50 onward but I haven’t been really able to find much lower than that. Scenario would be phenomenal but even just a set of grids for different grinding spots would work just the same! Having a really hard time grasping the process of putting together grids but have gotten down making scenarios quite easier as there’s not really any coding, its just putting puzzle pieces together essentially.

    Maybe im just not looking in the right spot though? Ive heard palace of the dead bounced around but Im not sure where that is or how to automate that.

    Thanks all for any help you can give. Ive used it a ton for gathering and crafting and its just amazing how much work and thought has gone into the bot. This is my first delve into combat so Im just kinda lost.


    Squadron Dungeons, just run the correct level dungeon for the range you are in



    Squadrons dungeon is the only safe-way and it’s really quick. Using a combat bot outside of a private instance is shouting to get banned no matter how good is the bot, it’s always obvious.


    When I use combat assist in dungeons, I always make sure to joke around a lot (which I do anyway) to dispel any suspicion.

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