Scenario for Diadem

Forum Forums Grids and Presets Scenario for Diadem


This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Uxhak 4 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #25009

    This thread is related to Phase 3 of Ishgard Restoration.
    With the arrival of Patch 5.41, it is outdated.

    Hello I am looking for a scenario for botanist or miner that works just fine where I can just click start and it goes and has no problem with it. If you have something like that I would greatly appreciate it thank you.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Falbium Falbium.


    there are a few around floating around right now you can check the scenario list for them. If you are looking for one that does both you may need to combine some. I’ve only ever seen separate scenarios. The one ive attached is a complete one that i frankenstined from 2 existing one. It will farm MIN and BTN but will only boom on MIN. It will teleport you to foundation and teleport to firmament. It does 3 rotations of slot 3 and 4 for MIN then BTN then switches to do 3 rotations of slot 1 and 2 of both then restarts. I might have put in a gold saucer run for some minigames so that its not wasting a foundation teleport when it repeats.

    You will have to change the key binds to what you have as i use custom key binds for my select npc and confirm and my cursor movement which you need for the enter and exit

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