Hey there,
I know this is a really minor thing considering the current Empyreum housing district is only for viewing but I attempted to repair my gear there and it appears that because miqo doesn’t recognize the zone, miqo can’t engage at all.
(9:49:51 AM) (SCENARIO) Started:
(9:49:51 AM) 'Repair'
(9:49:51 AM) Chapter: 1
(9:49:51 AM) Sorry, can't move. It's dark and creepy around me! I'd better hold my breath, so nobody would find me.
(9:49:51 AM) Current zone: Unknown (ID 03D3)
(9:49:51 AM) Blackout while travelling... Good night! <3
(9:49:51 AM) (NOTE) Blackout switch is triggered.
(9:49:51 AM) (NOTE) Please save the message log for analysis and restart Miqobot.