Scenario Engine Failing in the Empyreum

Forum Forums Discussion Scenario Engine Failing in the Empyreum

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Miqobot Miqobot 3 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #34109

    Much Thicc

    Hey there,

    I know this is a really minor thing considering the current Empyreum housing district is only for viewing but I attempted to repair my gear there and it appears that because miqo doesn’t recognize the zone, miqo can’t engage at all.

    (9:49:51 AM) (SCENARIO) Started:
    (9:49:51 AM) 	'Repair'
    (9:49:51 AM) 	Chapter: 1
    (9:49:51 AM) Sorry, can't move. It's dark and creepy around me! I'd better hold my breath, so nobody would find me.
    (9:49:51 AM) Current zone: Unknown (ID 03D3)
    (9:49:51 AM) Blackout while travelling... Good night! <3
    (9:49:51 AM) 	(NOTE) Blackout switch is triggered.
    (9:49:51 AM) 	(NOTE) Please save the message log for analysis and restart Miqobot.

    Yes, this is the expected behavior.
    New housing areas are not supported at the moment. They will be added in the next update.

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