Scenario: Collectibles -> Slithersand – turn in & cash out script

Forum Forums Grids and Presets Scenario: Collectibles -> Slithersand – turn in & cash out script

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by jponry jponry 4 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #24641


    Hey yall, just wanted to share this script I made.

    Does Collectible Turn ins and then moves to the NPC and buys Slitersand

    • It’s slow but I haven’t had an issue with it.
    • When you run out of collectibles, it will keep going, but it doesn’t error out, it just tries to buy the Slithersand again and fails until it finishes it’s repeats.
    // Rarefied Syrup deliveries
    // position in front of
    // Collectable appraiser
    // move to "scrip Exchange" NPC
    holdKey(A, 0.7)
    sendKey(F12, 1)
    sendKey(NUM0, 2)
    sendKey(NUM0, 2)
    sendKey(NUM2, 0.5)
    sendKey(NUM2, 0.5)
    sendKey(NUM2, 0.5)
    sendKey(NUM2, 0.5)
    sendKey(NUM2, 0.5)
    sendKey(NUM0, 0.5)
    // scroll to bottom
    holdKey(NUM2, 3)
    // set max qty
    sendKey(NUM6, 1)
    sendKey(NUM9, 1)
    sendKey(NUM4, 1)
    // buy
    sendKey(NUM0, 1)
    sendKey(NUM4, 1)
    sendKey(NUM0, 1)
    // close out windows
    sendKey(NUM., 0.2)
    sendKey(NUM., 0.2)
    sendKey(NUM., 0.2)
    sendKey(NUM., 0.2)
    sendKey(NUM., 0.2)
    sendKey(NUM., 0.2)
    // move back
    holdKey(D, 0.7)

    Can you please explain what your hotkey setup is? So that I can alter this to fit my setup 🙂

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