Revisit Gathering will likely break Miqobot

Forum Forums Discussion Revisit Gathering will likely break Miqobot

This topic contains 14 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  Zaylin 3 months, 1 week ago.

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    So with the introduction of revisit, which replenishes a node and maximizes GP I suspect Miqo won’t know how to handle it. Figured I’d mention it’s existence now so it can get added to the potential solvers in the future.



    Probably wont break even with revisit, it just prioritizes hitting when the option is available so I think it won’t brick from procs


    I don’t use scenario but having gathering assist on and manually moving to nodes Miqo’s reaction to a reclaim proc is inconsistent, it sometimes will repeat the set rotation but other times it will just continue to hit ignoring the rotation.
    by the text in Miqo itself it seems it just sees it as a new node.
    it doesn’t break it is just not fully optimized in this situation as expected.

    Someone else would need to give feedback on how it reacts using scenario paths, its useful to actually have the infomation instead of just wording theories.



    So far after testing a few gathering paths i’ve setup Revisit always breaks Miqo. Once it ‘finishes’ the node it acts like it wants to goto the next node and ignores the fact that Revisit triggered and the node window is still open. It doesn’t try to close the window. Only thing I can think of to by pass this is to create a scenario that gathers a node (1) time and repeats the gathering (x) number of times, always clearing any windows with (esc) after it finishes the node to clear out the Revisit trigger. I will play with it for a while to see how it goes.



    So this simple scenario seems to bypass/fix the Revisit issue.

    key(esc, 1)

    Just set your gathering tab settings how you like and change the 300 in repeatAll to however many times you want it farm nodes. The esc,1 seems to clear the window fast enough and then miqo will reopen the node window and farm it. But more testing may be needed.



    So this simple scenario seems to bypass/fix the Revisit issue.

    key(esc, 1)

    Just set your gathering tab settings how you like and change the 300 in repeatAll to however many times you want it farm nodes. The esc,1 seems to clear the window fast enough and then miqo will reopen the node window and farm it. But more testing may be needed.

    this sometimes works, but every 3-4 revisits it crashes the Miqo. i’ve tried with other number values but with same result. anyone know any other working solution?



    So far I have noticed no problems with revisit case. Gathered around 5k of mats. no gathering or scenario broke for this reason



    I’ve suffered the same problems constantly, sometimes I get 15 minutes, sometimes I can get an hour, but inevitably Revisit will trigger, Miqo will get stuck and Kill Switch is triggered



    Looking at my gathering preset for Magnesia powder:
    I have:
    – a good grid that doesn’t get miqo stuck, I assume you as well
    – specified gathering node: “Rocky Outcrop”
    – specifies slot: 1
    – count: used 150/70/60/30 all completed with no problems
    – senses: use compass I/II
    – simple rotation: +2 Yield skill
    – gather by name: Magnesia Powder (might be redundant)

    nothing breaks, I believe it’s because of the senses options

    • This reply was modified 6 months, 2 weeks ago by  Dukuo.
    • This reply was modified 6 months, 2 weeks ago by  Dukuo.


    can you share your gathering path that’s brakes miqo?



    can you share your gathering path that’s brakes miqo?

    ambriosal water & light gerbera. the thing is i used both with same settings before 7.0 and everything was excelent, now after update it crashes after few revisits. someties after 15 minutes, sometimes after 2h, but it breaks every time. kill switch triggers and my character just stand there until logged out cause of afk.



    I ran your ambrosial water grid.
    No problems so far, but I have my three suspicions (in order of how difficult it is to solve)
    1. you do not have compass skill on your hotbar – just to make sure lol
    2. Your grid is clunky, you might be causing the bot to bug out simply because of how the grid is set up. I have a suspicion it has something to do with beacons + revisit interaction

    My quick take on how to make a grid:
    a. Don’t use beacons
    b. Move by foot between close gathering nodes
    c. Use compass to determine where to go next – makes the marker order placement more tidy and it will mimic the way miqo wants to move when using the gathering preset (it uses compass to find the next nearest gathering node)
    d. Make additional connections that promote a unidirectional movement

    3. Scenario script is clunky – probably can be solved with a better preset

    • This reply was modified 6 months, 2 weeks ago by  Dukuo.


    this is a grid I quickly put together.
    It’s not the best, I watched it for 3 cycles and made some adjustments, but more could be made
    Miqo targets the closest node she sensed which is a little off from what I want her to do.
    Had one revisit:

    I sense something far away (-291, -228). I want to go take a look!
    (8:07:05 PM) Going from 25 to 33 in 5 trips.
    (8:07:11 PM) 4 trips more..
    (8:07:15 PM) 3 trips more..
    (8:07:16 PM) 2 trips more..
    (8:07:18 PM) 1 trip more..
    (8:07:18 PM) Destination reached!
    (8:07:18 PM) Scanning for shiny gathering nodes like ‘Rocky Outcrop’ *.*
    (8:07:18 PM) I see a shiny node at (-291.209290, -228.924393, 136.404694).
    (8:07:18 PM) Going from 33 to 33 in 1 trips.
    (8:07:18 PM) 1 trip more..
    (8:07:18 PM) Destination reached!
    (8:07:20 PM) Using action: (Start)
    (8:07:20 PM) Hitting that poor node. :3
    (8:07:29 PM) Hitting that poor node. :3
    (8:07:32 PM) My precious shiny sparkles! (3/150)
    (8:07:32 PM) Scanning for shiny gathering nodes like ‘Rocky Outcrop’ *.*
    (8:07:32 PM) I see a shiny node at (-291.209290, -228.924393, 136.404694).
    (8:07:33 PM) Going from 33 to 33 in 1 trips.
    (8:07:33 PM) 1 trip more..
    (8:07:33 PM) Destination reached!
    (8:07:36 PM) Using action: (Start)
    (8:07:36 PM) Hitting that poor node. :3
    (8:07:44 PM) Hitting that poor node. :3
    (8:07:48 PM) My precious shiny sparkles! (4/150)
    (8:07:48 PM) Scanning for shiny gathering nodes like ‘Rocky Outcrop’ *.*

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    Revisit issue has been addressed in Miqobot v1.3.51.1.



    do you mind sharing your Magnesia Powder grid? I haven’t been able to find one by searching and your post was the only thing that came up

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