Resume gathering after death?

Forum Forums Discussion Resume gathering after death?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Lyfox Lyfox 5 years, 9 months ago.

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    Does miqo know how to return to gathering after dying if your home point is in same area as the material?

    Also, i think miqo should learn to mount+ fly max height before trying to travel to the grid beacons, because she gets stuck if you activate it anywhere outside of beacon area since she just goes in a straight line.

    Flying max height would fix that since nothing (90% of the time) would be in the way as you travel to beacon.

    Anyways, any way to keep the cycle going even if i somehow catch aggro and died?


    Yes there are scenario functions for KO checkpoints. But in my opinion its better to make a grid that doesnt kill you than respawn every 5 minutes. Remember that Miqo follows the lines you give her. If you dont want to go in straight line then give her a path from aetheryte.

    koCheckpoint() – Set the current chapter and line as KO checkpoint.

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