[Request] Gathering Scenario that mass gathers and teleports for timers.

Forum Forums Grids and Presets [Request] Gathering Scenario that mass gathers and teleports for timers.

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  uwu 5 years, 8 months ago.

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    So basically I want to gather some Dravanian Spring water, but teleport to get the Mistletoe timer. How would I go about making a scenario that does this?



    You have to write a scenario that will use the command workUntil(xx:xx)ET.

    The basis would be:

    Teleport to area then move to waypoint
    workUntil()ET that gives you enough time to regain enough GP for some type of rotation on the Mistletoe
    gather(999) <- This will keep gathering an unlimited number of attempts until the time set above

    new tab
    Teleport to the next area
    gather Mistletoe

    repeatAll() will just keep it going over and over as many times as needed.

    If its a 12 hour timer you can copy it and adjust the time

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