(Request) Black Mage combat assisst

Forum Forums Grids and Presets (Request) Black Mage combat assisst


This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  SefirosuKuraudo 5 years ago.

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    Hey. Sorry if its asked again. How does the combat assisst work for blm in extreme trials? And how do i make it use my xeno ability instead of foul? Thanks



    Regarding Combat Assist. All of the jobs have their rotations optimized for level 70 content. You can find the state of these updates in the Discussion section of the forum. The 71-80 abilities and traits have not been implemented for most of the yet, but the dev team is working on them. Some jobs, like SMN and MCH, are 80 ready. Some, like DNC, can function viably with the help of a macro. Most will need your hands on input to manually use the 71-80 skills yourself in Miqo’s rotation, which means you have to keep an eye on her rotation while handling mechanics if you’re doing Extreme trials, etc.
    For BLM, you can get Miqo to use Xenonover Foul by making a macro and placing it on the hotbar. An example would be:

    Macro Name: Foul
    /micon “Foul”
    /merror off
    /ac “Xenoglossy” <t>

    But you wouldn’t want to use this in dungeons because you’d lose out in massive AoE damage. You can also macro Despair to Blizzard III to round out the rotation, but due to the change in MP levels when Convert is used you will miss out on a Despair in the opener and once every 3 minutes unless you use it manually when you need to.

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