Raiding as a Tank with Miqo

Forum Forums Discussion Raiding as a Tank with Miqo

This topic contains 7 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Arktos 4 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #22975
    Tohka Yatogami
    Tohka Yatogami

    So I’ve had the idea of switching from dps to tank next patch, of course I will be using combat assist for this. I’m looking to see which tanks the community feels that with miqobot, in her current state, would get the highest parses and if any manual input would be necessary for that class?


    The combat system of Miqobot is not competitive in endgame and never will be.
    At the moment we aim to reach 90% of optimal performance, but the cost of every additional improvement after that grows exponentially. We will continue working on them if there is enough demand.

    Please keep in mind, however, this is not the purpose of the Assist Mode.
    Miqobot can help you progress new encounters and show decent performance in highly repetitive content, but she will never be able to surpass a human player in the raiding environment.



    I have found Miqobot an excellent device to fully raid with, I avoid healing and tanking though. I hit purple logs often and with a little adjustment (using macros) can do any current content. This reply is correct though, you will never match human players and you have to be very careful when using the bot, for example, if you say you’re afk and the bot is doing something continuously like transposing etc.


    Black Valour

    Some food for thought coming from a newer Combat Assist user also:

    As a tank using Miqo, I always run into an issue where my gap closers get used when trying to get out of the muck on the ground. I’m aware that there is the ability to hotkey Miqo’s combat assist, I just have no gotten that in-depth with it because for the most part, I haven’t used her while tanking. Something to keep in mind when moving into a new role with the combat assist.



    You can untick the box “dashes and backsteps” in the combat assist page and miqo won’t use your gap closers anymore. I’d recommend it if you really want to raid with tank assist, because otherwise miqo will constantly fling you into AoEs at the worst possible moment.

    That means you’ll have to occasionally pop the gap closers yourself for increased DPS, and watch for a moment to do so so you won’t clip your GCD.

    Aside from that, you’ll sometimes have to fight miqo for oGCD usage when you want to pop defensive cooldowns, so be ready to hammer that button or switch off combat assist for a second with the pause hotkey. Speaking of defense cooldowns, you should disable “heals and buffs” too and use them manually when they’re approriate.



    As a basically miqo noob who uses default settings on everything, I would LOVE to know how to macro Miqo’s combat assist to turn on and off at a keypress.



    I simply use the assigned pause button on occasion, but I have macro’s that I’ve set up to switch aoe actions on/off, one for setting interrupt on/off. Those are the only ones I’ve ever needed to do complete savage e5-8. Sometimes you are fighting for GCD as the bot is trying to press it quicker than you, but usually it goes off.



    A couple jobs play fairly well in Savage, DPS wise. I wouldn’t trust it for healing a fight very well, though. Mainly the best DPS to use in Savage for combat assist are SMN and MCH. Both will perform well, and in BiS will get you around 60-70th percentile on parses as long as you’re doing mechanics correcting (And in SMN’s case moving as little as possible.)

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