Quick MGP farming question

Forum Forums Discussion Quick MGP farming question

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Arc Arc 6 years, 1 month ago.

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    Hi everyone 🙂

    Just a really quick question. I know, out on a limb is the most efficient way to farm mgp without much effort, but I have a special case, which makes me a little bit unsure. Basically, my racing chocobo is completely broken. Look at his amazing stats.

    Just by pressing super sprint at the start he wins almost every race by default. So with these stats in mind, would Chocobo racing be more MGP efficient than out on a limb or still not good enough and if it’s better, what miqo settings would you use?

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Arc Arc.

    Nice one.
    Correct me if im wrong but it takes about 1:30 to complete R300 with max stats at full speed. Then you have to wait 30 seconds to leave the race and another 30 seconds to requeue. Which means you get 1,009 MGP per 2:30.

    So R300 racing is 403 MGP per minute.
    Out on a Limb is 600+ MGP per minute.

    Sorry mate still not enough to beat minigames. But that bird is definitely something.


    Meh, too bad x)
    They should definitely increase the MGP earned by racing. On the other hand though, normally players don’t achieve such a good success average than miqo does, so doing it by hand chocobo racing is better, while Miqo does out on a limb better. Well, let the farming begin once again x)

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