Quick craft scenario?

Forum Forums Discussion Quick craft scenario?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  what3421 2 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #36532

    How do I make a quick craft scenario so I can desynthesis the items and repair later on?



    You should post this in the Grids and Presets forum

    I made one that should work for you

    First step make sure you have a desynth list setup in the crafting tab. In my case mine is named test, make sure you change it to the name of your own.

    Follow the comments in the code and change to your needs. This is assuming your numpad binds are the default.

    Before starting the scenario select the thing you want to craft in the crafting log and then close it. If you want to confirm you did it right, close and open it again to see it is set to what you want to craft.

    Make sure you have basically an empty inventory besides your mats, so you can store 99 of whatever you’re making and the store whatever you get from desynth.

    sendkey(N, 2) //Change this to the key that opens your crafting log
    sendkey(NUM4, 2) //Wake up cursor. I chose this button because it does nothing
    sendkey(NUM0, 2)
    sendkey(NUM0, 2)
    sendkey(NUM4, 2)
    sendkey(NUM0, 2) //Starts quick synthesis
    sendkey(NUM9, 2) //Selects max amount to quick craft
    sendkey(NUM2, 2) 
    sendkey(NUM0, 2) //Starts craft
    afkFor(00:01:30) //IMPORTANT, set to amount of time it takes to finish the quick craft. Each craft takes about 3 seconds. Add some redundancy to be safe. I would say for 99, set it to 7 minutes to be extra safe. If you want you can watch it and time it yourself and adjust to optimize.
    sendkey(NUM2, 2) //Wake up cursor, does nothing once again
    sendkey(NUM0, 2) 
    sendkey(NUM.) //Spam quit out
    selectDesynthesisList(test) //Change test to whatever your desynth list is named
    repeatChapter(5) //Set this to however many times you want to do it. Calculate how many loops you can do based on your mats

    Keep in mind, to run your game at at least 30 fps or else you’ll have ghosted inputs and things won’t work properly.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by  what3421.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by  what3421.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by  what3421.
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