Questions: Blind Positionals and DeliverGC

Forum Forums Discussion Questions: Blind Positionals and DeliverGC

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Miqobot Miqobot 2 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #38687

    1. Is there a way to toggle Blind Positionals other than full combat pause? Its really helpful during non-mechanics but when theres an AoE it can mess you up unless you press the Pause key to stop dps completely.

    2. deliverGCGear() is an awesome lazy thing to use, but it turns in even if seal capped. Any way to make it stop if my GCs are capped? It goes really fast (never thought Id complain about Miqo being too fast lol) for me to read how many seals I have until I see it pressing the “still turn in” pop up.

    I’m sure both answers are “Nope, not right now” but figured I’d ask in case I missed something.

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by MrAlice MrAlice.

    1. Is there a way to toggle Blind Positionals other than full combat pause?

    Yes, there is a special hotkey for Blind Positionals.
    You can find it in Advanced Settings:

    Positionals Hotkey.
    A shortcut to toggle Blind Positionals setting.
    You can use it to control Miqobot without switching between windows.
    It works the same way as Pause Hotkey. The hotkey is defined on a system level after pressing Start and is automatically undefined after pressing Stop.
    When hotkey is set, an additional P+/P- status will be displayed in the top right corner of the game.

    2. deliverGCGear() is an awesome lazy thing to use, but it turns in even if seal capped. Any way to make it stop if my GCs are capped?

    The function stops automatically, but not immediately.
    It does not explicitly detect company seal limits. But after 3 ingame errors are displayed, it will stop and proceed with scenario normally.

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