Questions about combat assist and healers

Forum Forums Discussion Questions about combat assist and healers

This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Snax 4 years, 4 months ago.

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    While I dont enjoy healing its something my groups often short one on, my question is how reliable is combat assist as a healer? Also do any of the healers work better than the others, and do any of them have major issues? For example would a astro healer use cards correctly?


    Functionally, they’re all ok. Check the allow pulls, heals and buffs, and switch target boxes and don’t try to fight it and all you need to do is move.



    I use AST and WHM they both work great they swift cast/raise then heal the raised player, better than a lot of healers who raise and then leave you on low health,AST use all the redraw if needed I always have 6% damage boost from Divination.
    can have a problem casting spells over level 70 so you might want those on a hotkey and spam it when needed.



    I found an issue where in the Red Mage doesn’t cast the final combo from Jolt 2. It automatically casts other spells rather than finishing it.

    Let us say you’ve done your combo of:

    Enchanted Riposte > Enchanted Zwerchhau > Enchanted Redoublement > Verholy/Verflare > Scorch

    Scorch will not be used!



    Lvl 80 is not supported yet just press the button for Scorch. Red Mage is not a healer.



    Combat with an Astro is AMAZING, Healing as a White Mage feels ok but a little delayed due to casting times, and Scholar will feel weak since half your heals are trapped within your fairy but it’s still VERY functional. All Three Healers will work 90% better most healers in the game when it comes to keeping people alive, and the damage output isn’t bad at all considering all the healing. Miqo will not over heal, so that’s nice.

    When using Miqo with a healer, keep your “Pause” button handy! VERY HANDY!!! Your healer will go CRAZY healing everything around it and winding up it’s cards for combat the very INSTANT you change into it, exit dungeons, exiting battles, ect. Use your Pause button to start and stop combat. You don’t want healer to suddenly become your main when you might not have had the greatest healing skills before.

    Lastly, trust your miqobot to heal your tanks/dps, she might not start healing until 50% health, or she might just use Cure/benefic/physic 1 instead of stronger things but Miqo knows what it’s doing (A skilled experienced healer couldn’t do it much better).



    I use this macro for AST
    /macroicon “celestial intersection”
    /ac “celestial intersection” <1>
    /ac “earthly star” <t>
    It’s casts celestial intersection on 1st in party (tank)
    push it again for earthly star on target which is always the boss /pack of mobs
    the good thing is celestial intersection is 30 sec cool down and earthly is 1 min so they sync pretty well

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