Question on saving gill on frequent teleporting scenarios

Forum Forums Discussion Question on saving gill on frequent teleporting scenarios

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Vixen Vixen 4 years, 3 months ago.

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    So I have a well functioning scenario for teleporting to and gathering all shadowbringers Legendary nodes. The problem i keep running into is that teleporting to and from the nodes with the scenario running on repeat is costing a lot of gill. I tried to make it so that it would use return if it was available but the return command waits for the cd and will sometimes skip node pops because of this. Is there a way to make miqobot Skip the return line if the skill is on cd and use the teleportif command under it instead of waiting for return cd? And if anyone else has suggestions on saving gill on teleport other then aetheryte tickets and the free company actions it would be appreciated.


    Have a common point, like The Crystarium, set as your free destination and have navigation grids to fly.


    You probably could adjust every teleport() line, where it ports to your return point, to the following:




    – Adjust your return point to be the same destination you specifiy in the teleportIf() function
    – Make sure, that you adjust the sendIcon() parameters to match your position of the return skill. In this example it has to be on the first hotbar and second slot on it.

    Didn’t tested it, might need to up the delay a bit (in this example the 10.0, if you need to up it, you should use afkFor() function instead) but should work and use the return skill everytime it’s ready and if not normally teleports you there.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by Nekro Nekro. Reason: wording

    You can also set up to three (four if you use the companion app) favoured destinations, which you teleport to for less money. IIRC, the cost of teleporting to favoured destination is half the normal price. Between that, the free destination, and the home point for using return, some careful arrangement and willingness to fly more distance should cut your teleport costs a fair bit.

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