Question on gathering skills.

Forum Forums Discussion Question on gathering skills.

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Duckon 5 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #17981


    Sorry if this has already been answered, but is there a list of macro syntax I could use in the skills macro section for gathering?
    Example: I want to miqo to press 1 then gather the node, press 1 gather the node again. I tried to do 1,1,1,1 but all that does is press the 1 key 4 times before gathering the node, wasting gp.

    Also is there a reason why not all of the gathering skills are in rotation section?

    Example: I see bountiful harvest I but where is bountiful harvest II? Im assuming this feature is still in beta, and will come in future releases?

    Thanks for your time.



    When using the macro option for gathering you need to use num0 for a gathering attempt. So instead of 1,1,1,1 you would need to put in 1, num0, 1, num0, 1, num9, 1, num0



    Thank you!


    Example: I see bountiful harvest I but where is bountiful harvest II? Im assuming this feature is still in beta, and will come in future releases?

    Stormblood abilities are already implemented.
    They are direct upgrades from their Heavensward counterparts, since they cost the same amount of GP but result in improved performance.

    They do not require a special entry in the rotations designer. Whenever Miqobot detects an upgraded ability on your hotbar, she will automatically use it instead of an old one.

    • Impulsive Appraisal II is used instead of Impulsive Appraisal.
    • Unearth III is used instead of Unearth II.
    • Leaf Turn III is used instead of Leaf Turn II.
    • Bountiful Yield II is used instead of Bountiful Yield.
    • Bountiful Harvest II is used instead of Bountiful Harvest.

    In order to use Bountiful Yield II or Bountiful Harvest II, please select this entry: x1 Yield +1.
    It will be automatically upgraded to x1 Yield +1,+2,+3 during rotation execution.



    Thank you! That’s even better.

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