Questing | Development

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Miqobot Miqobot 8 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #1387

    We have completed a fundamental research and achieved a first prototype of Questing AI for Miqobot.
    Based on the data we acquired during our research, we can now announce the main features of the Questing Bot.

    Miqobot will be able to go through Main Story and Sidequests, from Lv1 to Lv70, talking to NPCs and completing quest objectives, all by herself – no additional scripting required.

    How Will It Work

    The Questing AI will scan through the Duty List, select a quest, analyze and decipher objectives, figure out the necessary actions, and perform them. When the selected quest is completed, Miqobot will take the next one from the Duty List.

    When the Duty List is depleted, Miqobot will scan for the next available quest in the current area. A new quest will be selected based on several factors, such as level and type. Each factor will be easily adjusted from Miqobot UI. For example, you will be able to set the desired level range and the priority of Main Story over other quests.

    When there are no quests left in the current area, Miqobot will move to the next known location.
    When all locations are visited, Miqobot will switch to other activities in order to gain a level up (FATEs, Hunting Logs, Monster Grind). Or simply go AFK.

    World Navigation

    Miqobot will be able to navigate automatically from any world point to any other. All locations will be supported.

    For this, we are developing a complete navigation graph of the whole Eorzea. These are essentially full-scale navigation grids, interconnected with each other.
    They look like this:


    All transitions between areas will be supported: direct ones, gatekeepers, ferries, airships, aethernets, teleports, and return.

    We are designing these grids with careful consideration of every possible NPC in each quest.


    Will these grids work for Gathering?


    These grids do not contain any hints that are essential for Gathering (stealth, mount, and/or beacons). They are designed for Questing and Combat specifically.

    Gathering AI requires manually crafted navigation grids.

    Cutscene Mode

    This is a special mode which will let you enjoy the story while avoiding all the boring grind.

    In this mode, cutscenes are not skipped and each NPC phrase stays on the screen for a specific amount of time. Essentially, this turns the game into a big movie. The amount of time for each phrase will be calculated based on its length, and you will be able to speed it up or down, depending on your preference.
    Cutscene Mode can be easily switched off and on again (if you want to go AFK and come back later).

    Also, this mode can be used to resemble human behaviour, by making Miqobot to actually read the story.


    Tutorials will be supported as well.
    Miqobot will level up your character from the very first steps into the game.

    Aetherytes and Aether Currents

    Miqobot will attune to every big aetheryte when she finds herself in the close vicinity to it.
    Miqobot will attune to all aethernet shards when first entering a new town.
    Miqobot will be able to use Aether Compass and locate Aether Currents in Heavensward and Stormblood areas.

    Battle Activities

    Miqobot will be able to complete almost any battle objective in the game.

    We are preparing several AI behaviors, and Miqobot will switch between them when necessary.

    • Slaying monsters.
    • Cleaning area around quest NPC.
    • Completing quest instances.
    • Fleeing when outnumbered or weakened.
    • Automatically respawning when KO’d.
    • Support fot Duty Finder instances will be added later as well.

    The Battle AI will be shared with FATE Grinding.
    All classes and jobs will be supported.

    NPC Interaction Activities

    Different NPCs require different tasks to perform.

    Miqobot will be able to do anything they ask, including:

    • Talking.
    • Answering questions.
    • Fulfulling item requests.
    • Using special quest items.
    • Finding hidden NPCs.
    • Selecting optional rewards.

    If a quest task can not be easily deciphered (in some cases like relic quests), it will not lead to Miqobot getting stuck, but rather blacklisting this quest and move on to another one.

    Chat Support

    Integration with chat will allow Miqobot to participate in Emote and Say quests.

    Beast Tribes

    For Beast Tribes, you will accept the desired dailies in the game, and Miqobot will do the rest.
    Miqobot considers your Duty List as a queue of quests, so anything you put in there will be completed automatically.

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