QoL improvement

Forum Forums Discussion QoL improvement

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Miqobot Miqobot 4 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #22937



    Everytime I do desynthesis I am scared of “search in : Armoury Chest / Equipped” . My heart just stops for a second and i always look 3/4 times before I click on Start.
    Can we have a ” safe button ” just in case, so that us, those with heart problems, can stay more relaxed?

    Thank you !


    Would you please clarify, what button would you like to see exactly?

    “Armoury Chest” and “Equipped” are settings which are disabled by default. If you do not enable them manually, Miqobot will never search in those categories.



    Like, gray out Armoury Chest and Equipped and make another button that enables them . Thus you can’t click on enabling desynth in Armoury Chest nor on Equipped without clicking first on the “safe button”

    Why would I suggest something like this?
    I use only 1 preset in the “name lists” with “allow partial match”. And in that preset I have all vowels inserted, aka: a, e, i, o, u, etc. This way I can desynth every item i have in my inventory because I don’t need anything, like everything I get from farming dungeons, from fishing etc. With this preset, if by mistake I would enable desynth in Armoury Chest and in Equipped, I would end with no items on my char. I use to click a lot, to use alt-tab a lot for when i try to go and complete some fishes in my fish log and afterwards I would do desynth to get rid of all my fishes.

    I hope i’ve made myself a bit clear here, I am kinda drunk atm, so I am sorry for anything bad I’ve said.
    Thank you Miqo and keep it up <3.


    All right, we will add your suggestion to the list of Quality-of-Life improvements.
    Thank you for your feedback very much.

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