Qitana ravel problems

Forum Forums Discussion Qitana ravel problems

This topic contains 8 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Yuela 6 months ago.

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  • #41423


    Hello everyone,
    Since Miqo came back to life I tried running the Qitana Ravel trust and Miqo stops after the first fight butg doesnt give me any errors.
    Did I do something wrong or is it broken ?


    It worked fine when i farmed it yesterday. Can you post the message log? Even if there are no errors we need to know what Miqo thinks about to understand her behavior.



    Is it possible you’re running it on a job Miqo doesn’t know or recognize? Just spitballing. Per the creator’s update:

    “All job rotations are broken and require a thorough revamp.
    Depending on the severity of changes, we have classified them into three categories: semi-functional at level 80 (can follow the general flow of a proper rotation, some abilities are used incorrectly or not used at all), completely broken (can do a basic 1-2-3 combo at best, often get stuck in a non-efficient loop), and non-existent (can’t do even a basic combo).

    Semi-functional at lv80: White Mage, Scholar, Paladin, Warrior, Dark Knight, Gunbreaker, Dragoon, Samurai, Reaper, Bard, Dancer, Black Mage, Red Mage

    Completely broken: Astrologian, Sage, Monk, Ninja, Machinist

    Non-existent: Viper, Summoner, Pictomancer”

    Just throwing ideas out there. If you’re trying to run it on, say, one of the new classes or summoner, it’ll just freeze.

    • This reply was modified 6 months ago by  Asher.


    I used Gunbreaker and Samurai, here is the log :

    (00:29:24) Hello! I am your Miqobot!
    (00:29:24) I’ve found a yummy license file! Can I? :3
    (00:29:24) Searching for catnip with your license code…
    (00:29:25) Thank you, this is an awesome catnip license!
    (00:29:25) Your license is valid until: 2024-09-10 14:17:52 (UTC)
    (00:29:26) I found the game! Let’s play together! :3
    (00:30:55) Squadron Dungeons started.
    (00:30:55) Max dungeons: 1
    (00:30:55) Deploying to dungeon.
    (00:30:56) Selecting a tab.
    (00:31:02) Queuing.
    (00:31:02) It popped!
    (00:31:04) Yay, I’m taken inside!
    (00:31:04) Still loading :3
    (00:31:09) Dungeon: Qitana Ravel (0337). Objectives: 24
    (00:31:09) Waiting for aetherial barrier to drop…
    (00:31:11) Navigating to objective #1 (battle).
    (00:31:22) #1 complete!
    (00:31:22) Navigating to objective #2 (battle).
    (00:31:24) Oops, face pulled something :3
    (00:31:24) Battle INIT.
    (00:31:24) Fight next: ‘Ronkan Dreamer’
    (00:32:31) Battle: Target eliminated.
    (00:32:31) Battle FINALIZED.

    Then after the fight my characters walks a little then stops



    No issues here on GNB or DRK in Holminster Switch.


    Then after the fight my characters walks a little then stops

    Ah i see, looks like Miqo gets stuck while trying to turn left. What happens if you dont stop her and wait for a few minutes? Does she trigger a kill switch? And if so, what are your keybinds for camera?



    Ok I waited for a bit this time and here is what I got :

    (08:20:16) Hello! I am your Miqobot!
    (08:20:17) I’ve found a yummy license file! Can I? :3
    (08:20:17) Searching for catnip with your license code…
    (08:20:17) Thank you, this is an awesome catnip license!
    (08:20:17) Your license is valid until: 2024-09-10 14:17:52 (UTC)
    (08:20:18) I found the game! Let’s play together! :3
    (08:22:14) Squadron Dungeons started.
    (08:22:14) Max dungeons: 1
    (08:22:14) Selecting a tab.
    (08:22:20) Queuing.
    (08:22:20) It popped!
    (08:22:22) Yay, I’m taken inside!
    (08:22:22) Still loading :3
    (08:22:27) Dungeon: Qitana Ravel (0337). Objectives: 24
    (08:22:28) Waiting for aetherial barrier to drop…
    (08:22:29) Navigating to objective #1 (battle).
    (08:22:40) #1 complete!
    (08:22:41) Navigating to objective #2 (battle).
    (08:22:43) Oops, face pulled something :3
    (08:22:43) Battle INIT.
    (08:22:43) Fight next: ‘Ronkan Dreamer’
    (08:23:53) Battle: Target eliminated.
    (08:23:53) Battle FINALIZED.
    (08:24:29) Oh noes, I couldn’t reach the destination in time. I guess I’m stuck here. πŸ™
    (08:24:29) Time/Estimate: 35.1635/35.1602
    (08:24:29) Sorry, can’t move. I got lost in the woods, and I can’t find way back home.
    (08:24:29) Sorry, can’t move. I got lost in the woods, and I can’t find way back home.
    (08:24:29) Sorry, can’t move. I got lost in the woods, and I can’t find way back home.
    (08:24:29) Sorry, can’t move. I got lost in the woods, and I can’t find way back home.
    (08:24:29) Sorry, can’t move. I got lost in the woods, and I can’t find way back home.
    (08:24:29) Sorry, can’t move. I got lost in the woods, and I can’t find way back home.
    (08:24:29) Sorry, can’t move. I got lost in the woods, and I can’t find way back home.
    (08:24:29) Sorry, can’t move. I got lost in the woods, and I can’t find way back home.
    (08:24:29) Poking creatures in the woods… Good night! <3
    (08:24:29) (NOTE) Kill switch is triggered.
    (08:24:29) (NOTE) Please save the message log for analysis and restart Miqobot.

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    Yep thats definitely a keybind collision. When you use hotkeys with Ctrl for camera they can occasionally clash with each other since Miqo tries to hold Ctrl+H but release Ctrl+L at the same time. Ctrl gets released and the resulting hotkey is simply H.

    So try to assign single keys to camera up/down/left/right, something without ctrl/alt/shift. That should help.



    Thanks a lot, I changed my keybinds and its now working perfectly πŸ™‚

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