
Forum Forums Discussion Presets?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by Miqobot Miqobot 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #3486

    I just paid the 10 dollars to check out the bot, and while it is very nice, and I can see where there are options to do quite a lot. It seems for 10 dollars a month, there should be presets already to go. If I want to collect wind shards there should be a preset that teleports me to Gridania and it should start gathering shards. Same with Botany and Mining. The node locations are already known, so why is there not a preset for every item that you want to gather?

    I’m guessing scenarios is how this is going to work? Just wondering?


    I’m slightly new here, but yes i believe scenarios were made to do what you’re talking about. I know it’s lame that you have to go download a scenario or grids, but the developer seems to listen to feedback and i’m sure they either already plan on implementing some scenarios by default, or probably will in the future.

    On the other hand, doing everything semi-manually probably makes this bot the hardest to detect because people can choose where they are and the bot’s timings and such.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by TNC TNC.

    Yes the bot starts “Empty” on presets but if you check our preset forum you will find a gathering preset of almost everything.
    Sure its a hazle to download every preset you wannt but that way the chance that every miqo bot user uses the same preset is unlikly and therefor its more save to use.
    Scenarios is the latest addidtion we got for Miqo (its 11 days old) so there wont be that much Scenarios ready to download.

    If you wannt to grind out something specific and there is no grid for it, and you are lazy or just not as experienced in creating grids, you can just ask ppl and im 100% sure someone will do it. Same for Scenarios.
    And to awnser your question, if you wannt to teleport you have to use scenarios if you just wannt to go to the location and then grind the stuff a grid is totaly fine.

    Ohh and sry for my bad english 😀


    Thanks for the replies, yeah, I’m new, and just trying to make sense of Miqobot. I get what you are saying, but it seems that the presets should already be plugged in. Scenarios should be there for people who want to be able to do things that are not covered by presets. It doesn’t seem like it would be hard for the developer to just load up some basic presets, and it seems like the community already has some that are ready to go. In reality I guess there are basic presets with The Gold Saucer, and fishing, it would just be nice to have them for gathering/mining as well.

    I’m sure after a bit of time I will have what I need, I was just hoping for a more plug and play type situation. So far, the bot is working great, and I’m enjoying it!!!


    If you use “standart” presets, you idiot, sorry. Just think 1-2-3-4-5-6-… people farming for 1 traectory on spot….it like says all “NO NO, IM NOT USE BOT, WE JUST MOVE SYNCHRO!” (sarcasm)


    Yes, we indeed consider adding integrated presets database.
    However as correctly noted already, we have to make sure that presets in this database will be sufficiently randomized. This is planned for development after the core features are stabilized.

    Thank you for your feedback very much!

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