Possible to set an amount for deliverGCGear() ???

Forum Forums Discussion Possible to set an amount for deliverGCGear() ???

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  AirForceOne 5 years, 8 months ago.

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    Currently using – deliverGCGear() – For GC Gear turn ins – Question is there a way to set it to turn in an amount?

    It turns in everything in the bag and I was hoping to set an amount like 25. I’ve tired ot put it into a scenario and repeatchapter(25) but when it hits this command it dont move down the scenario until everything is turned in.

    Thank you in advance



    Using deliverGCGear(), no. It will turn everything in until it caps, then will turn in 2 more and then finish. So if you have 20 items, and cap on the 15th, it will still turn in 2 more, so it’ll stop at 17/20. What you can do is create the turn in scenario on your own using sendKey(), and then determine how many times it runs using one of the repeat commands.

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