Possible Spam Observe Solution

Forum Forums Discussion Possible Spam Observe Solution

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by kontu kontu 5 years, 10 months ago.

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    Seems a pretty niche problem to have but I had it none the less so I want to share the solution.
    I have a mender (among other NPC) in the basement of my home. I use this location to do mass crafting using scenario to repair my gear. I use the repairNPC() command.
    Well I noticed that after a while, it would spam observe and almost nothing else. It would also fail almost every time. I checked the forums and saw most people have incorrect hotbars. I didn’t know what could be missing so I added everything I could think of. It didn’t work.
    I later found out that it was because my gear wasn’t getting repaired. and THAT was because my grid I used to navigate to my basement after gathering would place me too close to other npc in my basement so when it would trigger the repairNPC() command, it would target the wrong npc, fail to repair, then continue crafting like normal.
    Solution is to place mender npc further away and make sure grid doesn’t stop near any other npc.


    Yea you get stuck in observe loops when there’s no other possible way to finish the craft usefully without getting enough excellent qualities.

    Really, for leveling, just turn observe off. Screw it, it’s not worth the headache 🙂

    Once you have sufficient stats to craft things you don’t get into observe loops

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