Option for single or aoe mode?

Forum Forums Discussion Option for single or aoe mode?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Nekro Nekro 3 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #31916


    Is there a option to only do single target rotation or aoe rotation? Would be really nice.


    A setting to disable AoE rotations is planned, but it’s not a trivial one to implement.
    The only solution you have at the moment is to remove AoE abilities from your hotbar, and Miqobot will have no choice but to perform a single target rotation. But if the fight requires constantly switching AoE on and off, then of course it will not suffice.

    There is another workaround.
    You can create two hotbar manipulation macros. One will remove AoE abilities from your hotbar and the other will quickly put them back.

    /hotbar remove 9 1
    /hotbar remove 9 2
    /hotbar remove 9 3
    /hotbar action "Quick Nock" 9 1
    /hotbar action "Rain of Death" 9 2
    /hotbar action "Shadowbite" 9 3

    This example assumes that you’re playing Bard and your AoE abilities are placed on hotbar 9 in slots 1 / 2 / 3 respectively. Please adjust them to your own hotbar setup.

    We understand that this is an extremely unnatural solution, but it’s the only one we can suggest at the moment.
    We sincerely apologize for inconvenience.



    Very needed that option for minmax output. Btw – if bot can decide which rotation to use, why not simple add buttons with Force Single/Force Aoe ?


    Because there are no pure single or pure AoE rotations in Miqobot.
    The Combat system of Miqobot is based on a seamless list of rules which contains thousands of various conditions, and the number of enemies is only one of its parameters. In order to implement such button, we have to go through every AoE-related condition and link it to the state of this button. This is why it’s not a trivial feature to implement.

    We will do it, but it will take time.
    Until then, please use the workaround describe above.



    OKe, thx. Then lets wait 🙂


    Very needed that option for minmax output.

    We will do it, but it will take time.
    Until then, please use the workaround describe above.

    I’ve been using this workaround aswell and it’s working totally fine.

    Also as an addition there are at least two different use cases for a “no AoE”-Setting:

    1. You want to maximize your dmg on a single target = AoE-Attacks still can be used as part of single target “rotation”
    2. You do NOT want to do any AoE at all to for example prevent an add dieing before it needs to die. (Like Mandragoras in Treasure Hunt or spiny in Garuda EX, etc.) = This would impact your single target ruleset aswell on classes like MCH, RDM, DNC, WHM, etc. as specific skills needs to be cut out.

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