No, that’s exactly how I have mine setup. I can use both mouse buttons to move forward OR I can use WASD. As long as you have ‘something’ bound to movement and it’s not blank it’ll be fine. I do suggest making keybinds for all your action bars. So you got bar number 1 setup with 1 2 3 4 … on to =. Then setup bar two as SHIFT 1 2 3 4, then bar 3 as control 1 2 3 4… bar 4 as ALT 1 2 3 4, bar 5 as Shift Alt, bar 6 as Contol alt, bar 7 as Shift control… You get the point.
Miqo will read your keybinds and use whatever you have them setup as.
I’m not sure if its a must but I have jump on my 3rd mouse button, but I also have it setup as space bar so just in case anything that’s bout to a mouse button I have an alternate bind for it on the keyboard.
Hope this helps.