Mob Grid Based Scenario Advise Please

Forum Forums Grids and Presets Mob Grid Based Scenario Advise Please

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  whyyme 4 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #19988


    I Understand that Miqobot Currently does not support Mob Farming(yet). I was just trying to figure out a way to do it even if it was kind of crudely done. I came up with a way sorta but my only issue other then currently my path’ing looks terrible(it’s a Work in progress still). Is that in some spots mobs naturally patrol out of the target range of my macro and I can no longer target them. Sure the monsters do end up patrolling back and getting destroyed so not a huge deal just would want to know how others would attempt to solve this or do you guys think this is good enough? Any advise is appreciated

    TLDR: Mobs path out of the way(waypoint 5 and 11), and it looks hella robotic when you stand still at the same spot any way to skip a step if you can’t target anything?

    I’m Using a /nexttarget Macro on key(4) and just two Ranged attacks on key(1) and Key(2) Mch I one shot them like 99% of the time

    Located at X28.8 Y11.9, North of Tailfeather Waypoint

    Rng dependent but i did get 139 Bear fat in one hour the next i only got 42 and 61 if anyone was wondering.

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