Miqobot won't gather by name

Forum Forums Discussion Miqobot won't gather by name

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by SirVG SirVG 4 years, 7 months ago.

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    Hi, just recently bought the bot and it’s been working really well so far. One issue I have though is that miqobot, when gathering, won’t gather by name, and thus won’t use the rotation I’ve given her. My rotation is simply “Start”, and then “+2 yield”. In my gather by name box I simply put {Grade 2 Skybuilder’s Cotton Boll}, because I only wanted her to use that rotation on the cotton bolls, and I designated the node slot as 4. I noticed that in the log miqobot would arrive at a node and immediately say selecting node 4, so I tried listing out all the items from the variety of nodes in diadem and not using a default node slot at all, but it would just default to selecting node 1. I’m completely lost here, would appreciate some help.



    You should check the exact in-game name of the cotton bolls again. Pretty sure you have a typo in there somewhere if miqo doesn’t recognize it.


    {Grade 2 Skybuilder’s Cotton Boll}

    Yep its a typo. The items are Skybuilders’ not Skybuilder’s.
    You dont really have to type the full name. This would be enough: {cotton boll}



    Holy shit thanks, can’t believe I missed that


    {Grade 2 Skybuilder’s Cotton Boll}

    Yep its a typo. The items are Skybuilders’ not Skybuilder’s.
    You dont really have to type the full name. This would be enough: {cotton boll}

    There’s 2 different cotton bolls in Diadem, so you need a bit more than that, unfortunately. Same with logs – there’s like 5 of them (6 counting the umbral one). At least with the expert craft mats you could probably get away with just putting in artisanal and be good because I don’t think there’s more than 1 on a node at a time.

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