Miqobot randomly freezes

Forum Forums Discussion Miqobot randomly freezes

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Yesbot Yesbot 5 years, 2 months ago.

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    I notice that miqobot sometimes stops doing her things for a while so I alt-tap to see what’s wrong and see that she “has stopped working” for a moment but she never crashes, she always recovers from it. While it doesn’t seem like a bid problem it impacts combat assist the most since I have to notice that she’s stopped attacking then I manually fight until she comes back.

    I suspect it might have to do with connection as I also notice that she also freezes when starting and when she couldn’t connect to the catnip server. I’m not sure if it’s a problem on my end or the server as the game still seems fine most of the time when it happens (No sign of delay/lagging).


    This behavior indicates that there is a connection issue on the route between you and miqobot.com.
    The game performance in this case is irrelevant, because Miqobot and game servers are geographically separated and routes are different. Each node on the route may become a potential bottleneck.

    It’s unlikely that we can resolve this issue, but we can provide instructions on how to use network diagnostics tool.
    Please contact our Tech Support and we’ll see what we can do.


    I see. It’s just a very small inconvenience really, anymore effort wouldn’t worth it so don’t mind that. Better focus on future updates, you guy’s been doing really great work so far. Thanks for explaining and keep up the good work!

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