Miqobot not saving settings

Forum Forums Discussion Miqobot not saving settings

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Simpleton 3 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #30841


    I am having an issue with Miqobot. I have to put in my catnip every time I open it. It also gets rid of all the settings that I had in it before almost like I am starting fresh. This means I have to go through my folder and add all the things I had downloaded before. I normally just leave the application open but sometimes it has to close because it hit a kill switch. This is very frustrating. Has anyone else run into this issue? If so how can I please fix it so that I do not have to do this every time?

    Note: I have uninstalled and reinstalled the client as well as made sure to hit the save button on the catnip page after putting in the code.


    Miqobot saves your settings and presets in these two files:

    • settings.miqo
    • presets.miqo

    They are generated when you first start Miqobot and are automatically updated when you close Miqobot.

    Do you see these files being created and updated next to your Miqobot application?
    If not, then something is blocking her from saving your presets.
    Please try the following solutions:

    1. Try running Miqobot as Administrator.
    2. Try moving Miqobot to a different folder.
    3. Make sure that Miqobot has full write access to the folder she resides in.
    4. Make sure that your antivirus and firewall do not interfere with Miqobot.


    Miqo, Thank you so much for the quick reply and this actually did fix the issue. I appreciate it so much as I got tired of having to keep doing the settings over and over. I did have to move it to a different folder but did work with no issues.

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