Miqobot moves with combat assist?

Forum Forums Discussion Miqobot moves with combat assist?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Kells 3 years, 7 months ago.

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    Why does Miqo move up a bit after killing mobs? It feels and looks so unnatural that I only feel comfortable using it as melee dps during long bosses.


    The purpose of this action is to interrupt the ongoing cast which will be interrupted anyway due to the target being already dead.
    Without it, your character is not ready to attack the next enemy until the game client cancels the cast automatically. Depending on circumstances, it may take up to 4 seconds of casting a spell on a dead enemy.

    Please note that this behavior is relevant for casters only.
    If you experience it with melee or physical ranged jobs, this is a bug which must be investigated separately.



    Oh okay, that makes a ton of sense. I do mainly play casters/healers so maybe that’s why I thought it was an all-around thing, but after testing it doesn’t happen with the rest. Thanks for the explanation.

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