Miqobot is detectable

Forum Forums Discussion Miqobot is detectable

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Lyfox Lyfox 4 years, 7 months ago.

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    I was suspended last year for botting, I used a scenario and got stuck on a fence whilst AFK. Since then I have always had FF14 up on another screen when botting and never bot when AFK. I also ensured I don’t bot continuously for hours on end and switch up my tasks. Gather for a few hours, craft for a few hours, fish for a few hours and I always log out at night.

    I was fishing 2 weeks ago, my scenario has me switch spots every ~40 minutes. I noticed I go disconnected, assumed it was because of my internet and tried to login. Then got the e-mail to say my account was being closed, spent the last 2 weeks tried to get unbanned and they said they’re not changing their mind.

    Pre-ordered the collector’s edition when the game first game account, spent over $5,000 between fees, retainers and the mog station. Lost it all because Miqobot is detected some way. Never used another bot or ever been involved in RTM. Completely solo player so I don’t even type in the game.



    It isnt. You were reported, plain and simple. I dont think SE even has ways to detect bots that inject code into the game, let alone miqo that behaves like a player would. Sorry for your loss, but there’s still risk to get banned if you’re automating play, regardless of what method you choose to use.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by LutBot LutBot.

    Yep you were reported. My condolences. If you used the bot to hoard stuff on market board then most likely you made other players upset. And not typing in the game is kinda a red flag too. People usually have social interaction in online games.

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