MGP Minigame Farming Issue (character won't move)

Forum Forums Discussion MGP Minigame Farming Issue (character won't move)

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Miqobot Miqobot 8 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #2089


    I’m currently on the 48 hour trial, and whenever I try to farm minigames using the bot, my character won’t move at all.

    I’ve confirmed Chocobo racing works perfectly fine, but minigames just don’t work unless I select the minigame before starting the bot.

    When the bot decides to AFK, it moves away, but then it is never able to move back. It moves away, and then after the AFK timer ends, it will cycle through the objects in the environment extremely fast, without moving, until the kill message comes up.

    If I leave the bot at default, making it walk between the two minigames, it presents the same problem. Bot cycles through objects until it kills the bot.

    Settings in-game are set to what is recommended, i.e. Windowed, 60fps, legacy mode, auto flight, relevant keybinds set to keyboard keys.

    Monitor shows Z value as 0.00 or 0.01.

    I’ve attached a screenshot to illustrate what the cycling looks like.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by sil3nyes sil3nyes. Reason: Re-uploaded screenshot, was too large
    • This topic was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by sil3nyes sil3nyes.
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    As always, we encourage to provide as much information about your issue as possible.
    This way we will be able to help you faster 🙂

    First, we need a complete log from the Output Area.
    To keep it small, please set Play and AFK settings to 1 minute and let Miqobot run until she gets stuck and stops playing. Then please copy the Output Area and send to us. We will analyze the error messages and try to understand what exactly went wrong.

    Second, we need a screenshot of Monitor tab.
    Please stand in the middle of Minigames room, target Out on a Limb manually, then switch to Monitor tab, and take a screenshot. This will help us detect a corruption of data that may have caused this issue.

    Also, please answer these questions:

    • Do you play in 3rd person view or in 1st person view?
    • Do you use any reversed axis? (under Character Configuration -> General -> Camera Control)
      Inverted axis support is not released yet.
    • If you don’t setup any AFK timers, does Miqobot perform without issues?
    • Does Miqobot rotate camera when trying to start a minigame?
    • Do you have any shortcuts that may interfere with Point Camera actions?
      (under System -> Keybinds -> Movement tab)
      For more information on what shortcut interference is, please follow this guide: Keybinds and Icons Recognition

    Thank you very much!



    “First, we need a complete log from the Output Area.”
    (11:06:06) Playing minigames!
    (11:06:06) Max games: 9999
    (11:06:06) Let’s play ‘Out on a Limb’!
    (11:06:40) Oh noes, I couldn’t reach the destination in time. I guess I’m stuck here. 🙁
    (11:06:40) Time/Estimate: 34.6245/34.6154
    (11:06:40) I got lost in woods, and there are creatures around me, and I can’t find way back home… Falling into oblivion.
    (11:06:40) I got lost in woods, and there are creatures around me, and I can’t find way back home… Falling into oblivion.
    (11:06:40) Sorry, can’t move. I got lost in the woods, and I can’t find way back home.
    (11:06:40) Sorry, can’t move. I got lost in the woods, and I can’t find way back home.
    (11:06:40) Poking creatures in the woods… Good night! <3

    “Second, we need a screenshot of Monitor tab.”
    Attached below.

    “Also, please answer these questions:”
    1. 3rd person.
    2. No
    3. Yes, if I make it so Miqobot plays the game constantly without breaks, it works. But it only starts working if I move right next to the Out on a Limb game and then start it.
    4. No, just constantly switches between targets and doesn’t move.
    5. I have the ‘move camera’ keys set to multiple-key shortcuts. I’ll change it to single key to see if it resolves the problem.

    Yes, changing to single-key shortcuts fixed the problem. I believe my issue was having move camera set to a non-single key hotkey. In my case, I had it set to Ctrl+Shift+arrow key. The moment I changed it to a single key, the problem was resolved.

    I think I made this mistake because it wasn’t immediately obvious to me that it was necessary. The following paragraph in the Keybinds and Icons Recognition guide had me believe I could set anything I wanted as long as I had certain movements set:
    “Of course you don’t have to sacrifice your own keyboard shorcuts in order to fill in the empty fields. If you have remapped your N key to something other than Crafting Log, you can simply put a weird shortcut for Crafting Log instead. Something you would never use yourself, like Ctrl‑Alt‑Shift‑N – Miqobot will happily take it. You can use Ctrl/Alt/Shift in any combination.”

    It might be worth bolding the paragraph further down where it mentions you need to set a single key for each of the movements.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.

    Thank you for confirming that your issue has been resolved!

    As you suggested, we will put emphasis on the part of the guide you mentioned 🙂
    It can be indeed misleading without a proper visual focus.

    Thank you for your feedback very much!

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