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This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Arc 5 years, 11 months ago.
April 4, 2019 at 11:46 pm #11552April 5, 2019 at 1:23 am #11553
This is a response from a casual Miqobot user, so take it with a grain of salt. Miqobot is very powerful, and I doubt I’ve used her to her full potential.
Leveling Gatherers : Possible, but you’ll be dependent on a heavily customized script on the Scenario Scripting Engine.
Leveling Jobs : If you can unlock the squadron missions at your GC, then you can have Miqobot farm squadron dungeon runs for EXP and seals.
Rotation Helper : Miqobot supports rotations up to about level 60 on average, with varying degrees of skill usage dependent on the complexity of the jobs. For example, RDM rotation is pretty much perfectly complete, while BRD would require manual usage of Ephemeral Arrow and such. Single target and AoE rotations are implemented to provide high DPS depending on the situation.
Leveling 1 – 70 : Which classes? DoW/M may be difficult b/c you’d need to go to dungeons and PotD/HoH, but for crafting, you could implement the scenario scripting engine script to craft items, and turn them in automatically. You’d need to create the script yourself, if it isn’t already present on the forums. DoL was answered above.
PotD grinding : PotD radar can help you do quicker runs by showing you where the exits/traps are, and rotations can be managed by Miqobot. Otherwise, I do believe you have to navigate the dungeon by yourself.
April 5, 2019 at 1:26 am #11554Leveling gatherers
Miqobot has a scenario scripting system, where you can write your own routines of what it should do. For example, teleport to central shroud, select gathering grid X, go to waypoint on that grid Y, start gathering Z items, then teleport to rhalgr’s reach, then go to the repair NPC and repair, then teleport to the azim steppe, gather a legendary node at A, use potion B, craft item C, etc.
Also, there are already some scenarios for leveling fisher from 50-70 and the other gatherers from 52-70, which were made by the community. There are most likely more of those in the makings, since we have a great, helpful community, trying expand Miqobot’s features based on the foundation that the devs give to us.
Leveling jobs
Miqobot can run several squadron dungeons completely hands-free. I’ve leveled up 5 jobs from level 20 to 70 in just a couple of weeks.
Rotation Helper (Automatic Rotations)
Are you referring to combat, crafting or gathering rotations?
The combat system is still in development and it currently supports rotations up to level 54 I think. Redmage however is already finished and 70 ready if I’m not mistaken.
For crafting rotations – Miqobot doesn’t do crafting rotations. It calculates the whole crafting process of each recipe on demand via a highly-complex algorithm and it is much more accurate than any macro could ever be and smarter than any player could ever be.
For gathering, there are already some community-made rotations, which work on a conditional system (e.g. if GP < X do this or if discerining eye procs, use that skill)Leveling 1-70
See above. You can easily level any job from Halatali unlock level up to 70 completely hands-free via squadron dungeons.
POTD Grinding
There is no automatic PotD grind yet, however miqobot has a combat-assist feature that for now works with rotations up to level 54 and automatically fights for you. Also, there is a special 3D radar for PotD that displays all possible trap locations, mobs and chests in the area (not the hidden ones since they’re server-side) and the passage.
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