Battle levequest Scenario?

Forum Forums Discussion Battle levequest Scenario?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Scientia 3 years, 11 months ago.

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    If this is the wrong location, please let me know.

    Has anyone ever built an automated battle levequest scenario? Is that possible within Miqobot? Any job is fine and any leve is fine. I’m trying to work towards the levequest achievements. Crafting leves are as simple as crafting and turning in, and gathering leves are no different if you do fish turn ins… don’t even a need a bot for those, just buy cheap fish off MB or do ventures.

    Battle leves seem like a huge time sink and any sort of automation would be a god-send. I think the fastest one is in South Shroud, where you hop down, kill a turtle, return, and turn in. Has anyone ever made a scenario like this? It’s like a lv15 leve so at lv80 it should be a 1-shot.

    I’ve never made a scenario or grid, but I would be surprised if someone else hasn’t already made something for at least 1 of the battle leves out there!

    If not, does this seem feasible with miqobot? Thank you!

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by  Scientia.

    This can easily be made with a navigation grid and key() sequence. The only trick with leves is the order is random in the menu. You will need to accept the rest of the leves in that particular level range so the only one left to accept is always the one you want to automate.

    Open-world combat isn’t something I see a lot on this forum so I would be surprised if someone had published one. A quick perusal of the forum search function came up with nothing really too promising.



    I take it there wouldn’t be an easy way for it to add the title of the leve in the scenario? Having the other leves selected sounds like a fair workaround, though.


    No, there is currently no way of automating accepting one particular leve in a random list like that. The rest of the leves sitting in your log is currently the only consistent way to ensure the one you want is always in the same spot so the key() sequence works correctly.



    I’ll try and make something then. Don’t really know what I’m doing but I guess that’s half the fun, eh?



    No luck. It looks like there’s 5 potential leves for the older metes, and only 4 at a time, so you can never guarantee the one you want will be up after you complete it. 😐

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