
Forum Forums Discussion leveling?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  DarknessVisible 2 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #37916


    hey team,
    quick question does this bot level jobs for you? and from 1-90 ?



    You can use Halatali starting at level 20 with your squadron, but it requires you to get second lieutenant with your grand company.

    At 41 you switch to Stone Vigil, and then at 53 Sohm Al. Then 71 onwards is Holminster Switch, and then Qitana Ravel to 90.

    It’s not very efficient but it is possible.


    To clarify: the bot will not automate level grinding entirely. You still have to get those initial requirements unlocked. However, once you do that, she’ll run the trust dungeons listed above (which are the most efficient) for you with zero player input. Just make sure you’re using a job she understands – EW changed some of the existing ones a lot and there’s the two new ones, and I’m not sure if the other jobs will use their 81+ skills yet. Check around on the status thread, you can probably find out there.

    Remember not to just run trusts 24/7 constantly, too. Run maybe a few in a row, clear out your inventory of drops, idle for a while (or log out) or at least go do something else, and don’t be active 24 hours a day. As far as we know, they can check server logs for things like “player was active for four days straight” and that’s the kind of thing that screams “not a human player”. Never bot unattended.

    Personal recommendation: get the dalamud XIVChat plugin so you can monitor your in-game chat for anyone messaging you.



    You can but it’s definitely suggested that you play through the game at least once.

    You’ll need to play through a bit to get access to command missions with your grand company squadron as someone else already mentioned but also… Grinding the two lower level command missions(Halatali and Stone Vigil) are seal losses. It’s not until you reach Sohm Al that you start gaining seals from your routine, although after 5 or 6 missions you start to lose out on seals if you don’t turn in the items you get. At some point it will become a loss. Holminster Switch, Qitana Ravel(and Heroes but you don’t use this to level) don’t have this issue because they’re Trusts, although you will lose out on potential seals if you don’t turn the items you get from them in later.

    So first you’ll have to get your alternate job to level 20 to run Halatali(Hunting log to 15, dungeons to 20), then have enough seals to get it to level 53. You also have to get your squadron leveled up to 20 too via squadron missions which is unfortunately a weeks worth of time(after you train their base stats via the training option you can use the balanced training option for 3 hours every day for quicker exp though). Then, focus down one job that way you can use it to fund your other jobs as you level them up to 53(while leveling that job up instead of having to use your maxed main job to farm seals).

    At some point try to take a break from it for a couple days when you’ve leveled your squadron up a bit to do the flagged squadron missions to get your GC rank up to max as well. This makes turning in your items easier and gives you more options to spend them on.

    Oh and if you’re curious, Heroes gives less experience than Qitana due to it being a patch dungeon. Heroes is basically there for Allagan Tomestone farming now(although you used to be able to farm the ShB Tomes with it). Garuda Extreme can get you two mounts(I think it used to be used for achievement farms too but I don’t think you can do that anymore).

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