Legendary Node or folklore.

Forum Forums Discussion Legendary Node or folklore.

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by kontu kontu 6 years, 4 months ago.

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    I just got my first book of botanical in othard since i can only fly there i picked that one. my gears are all from the npc in rhalgar, the vendor on the floor. my stats are gathering 803 and perception 810. GP 653 ilvl 223. Right now i can only gather bamboo shoot and lotus root collectibles.. i been level 70 btn and min..but im stuck on my npc gears..no crafters yet..seems like the book doesnt help me..any advice appreciated i just dont know whats next…ty



    Im trying to gather yellow scripts node from the folklore book and i cant they just turn out regular or obtain nothing most of the time.. Are my gears too low or do i need food or do i need meld on them, what are the minimum requirements for yellow scrip nodes? Ty for any advice



    Hey ty very much i really appreciate it.. cool


    Thats a crafting dependent guide while Kira said no crafters yet. Correct me if im wrong.

    I dont know exact stat requirements but first of all remember that folklore books are the top tier mats. If you want to farm yellow scrips with low stats its much better to start from easier items like lv68-70.

    – BTN, Unspoiled, Jhammel Ginger (68)
    – MIN, Unspoiled, Raw Imperial Jade (68)
    – BTN, Normal, Zelkova Log (70)
    – MIN, Normal, Molybdenum Ore (70)

    Zelkova and Molybdenum are not time gated so you can farm them non stop or use them for practice. Your goal is to get enough perception to hit 115 with Methodical Appraisal. Go to Zelkova spot, hit MA, look at the value. If its below 115 then you need better gear or meld perception. If its 115 youre all set and ready to farm yellow scrips.

    Your next step should be unlocking flight in all locations as without flying youre pretty much limited in progression. Most of the folklore is inaccessible without it.
    From there on you should focus on getting yellow scrip tools and gear. It will take more time than gearing normally with crafters but not impossible. And very easy with Miqo anyway.

    Take one of the yellow scrip scenarios, throw away chapters which dont match your stats atm, and see how it goes. Adjust scenario for yourself, buy some yellow scrip gear, and keep progressing until you have enough perception to hit 115 MA on folklore. Then it should be easy to figure out the rest.



    Hey thanks.. i taught my only hope was to craft my gears so i been i been grinding crafting, now they are level 20.. But i will try yours.. looks much closer than getting my crafter all the way up there.. cool ty..


    Yea you can avoid crafting and just buy the scrip, or the crafting gear

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