Latest Combat Beta also going to be updated for 4.4?

Forum Forums Discussion Latest Combat Beta also going to be updated for 4.4?

This topic contains 14 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by Miqobot Miqobot 6 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #8329

    Sorry if that’s an obvious question, figured I’d ask just for the sake of clarity.


    My guess is that the normal bot will be fixed and released, then the beta will be worked on.


    In order to minimize overhead cost, the latest beta is merged into the full release of Miqobot.
    After the update is fully tested and stabilized, new combat features will be branched off into beta again.


    There’s Miqobot, putting in work ~


    Yup and it’s admirable that Miqo works so hard. I don’t even know, what I would do without Miqo in terms of crafting anymore. Just wasted around 3 million gil, trying to craft a nightsteel frying pan for my culinarian, breaking 2 and crafting one NQ because I was using the wrong macro, while Miqo could have simply calculated all stuff itself >_>


    Miqo, that’s brilliant and even better than I was hoping. Thanks very much!



    Yup and it’s admirable that Miqo works so hard. I don’t even know, what I would do without Miqo in terms of crafting anymore. Just wasted around 3 million gil, trying to craft a nightsteel frying pan for my culinarian, breaking 2 and crafting one NQ because I was using the wrong macro, while Miqo could have simply calculated all stuff itself >_>

    A bit irrelevant but honestly, I do not trust Miqo to solve my high tier crafts, it seems to do bad even with recommended settings while static macros work far better (and faster/less steps).


    A bit irrelevant but honestly, I do not trust Miqo to solve my high tier crafts, it seems to do bad even with recommended settings while static macros work far better (and faster/less steps).

    Well, I didn’t have that experience so far :/

    Carl Arbogast
    Carl Arbogast

    Miqobot solver never failed me a craft, always HQ, and I just have minimum required meld with CP capped.

    Sometimes when I do high tier potions or food and I start with no HQ, 1% of those might end up NQ when RNG is pure evil, but really not an issue.

    For high tier gear I always start with some HQ, so Miqobot solver never fails, it’s really a crazy work of art software algorithm.



    Personally I get miqobot to craft the highest level crafts with my own rotations, and only use its solver for easier stuff. I’m sure it’d do great but idk haven’t really given it a chance.

    Per Se
    Per Se

    I took a short break from the game, so if any of the below does not reflect the current state of Miqobot, I apologize. That said…

    I do the same. In the past, I haven’t given it a chance for two reasons, one practical and one lazy: Firstly, since I can’t see Miqobot’s proposed solution before it is executed, I can’t verify against any sims (and since it operates determinisitcally on some branches, I couldn’t do that anyways), so in my mind I therefore potentially stand to lose valuable mats; secondly, I don’t feel like waiting for Miqobot to crunch the numbers every time I pull up a new craft, especially when it’s one I’ve done before at the same stats I presently have, when I could just use a set rotation.

    The caveat to this is the admittedly painful process of programming in my rotations in the required format of a long comma-delimited string, which is prone to initial transcription error. If we could save rotations Miqobot has previously used (which I believe has been asked before, and I don’t remember the explanation given as to why that was impossible/extremely difficult to implement), or we had a better interface for entering custom rotations, it would be a non-issue.

    I’m sure there’s a reason that we have to tell Miqobot the hotkeys we want used, as opposed to telling it the *abilities* we want used and having it execute them directly (which it already does when computing its own rotations), but I don’t know what that reason is.

    By way of a parting comment, I don’t mean for any of the above to indicate that I don’t like Miqobot, or am not grateful for the benefits it provides us. I’m a happy repeat subscriber. 🙂

    EDIT: If there’s a better way to run custom rotations, I would love to hear it. I rely on using custom rotations in the Solver, as opposed to keying macro hotkeys from a Scenario, as I very much like the Solver’s ability to stop every now and again to repair.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Per Se Per Se.

    The ability to import/store rotations from ingame macros and use them in scenarios would be a GODSEND.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by IceDeathTK IceDeathTK.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by IceDeathTK IceDeathTK.

    So I did a test with these mats:

    Crafting Sim

    and Miqobot with these settings:

    Miqo settings

    and (after 8 and a half minutes of calculating), it made the item with 98% HQ (It HQ’d).

    I’m impressed, and won over. I’ll probably use Miqobot for crafting after all. I think that if I had let it do 2:1 CP (ETA 23 minutes), it would have done 100% HQ.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by IceDeathTK IceDeathTK.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by IceDeathTK IceDeathTK.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by IceDeathTK IceDeathTK.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by IceDeathTK IceDeathTK.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by IceDeathTK IceDeathTK.


    The thing with the crafting solver is, that when I calculate things. It takes ages, as you said. ~8 Minutes.

    My buff food expires… thats my main concern, why I dont use miqobot for high level crafts. I use it when I need to mass craft HQ things, like buff food for crafters. Matcha and the Tea thingy and also for scrips.

    Could it be possible to let the crafting solver calculate with pre-selected buff food and when it finished calculating, that miqo uses it and then starts the craft?


    Thank you everyone for your feedback very much!

    This thread has strayed too far from the original question and will now be closed. We apologize for not doing it sooner.
    The latest Combat beta has been successfully updated for Patch 4.4.

    We will carefully consider all your improvement requests for Crafting Solver and Macro Crafting support.
    Thank you very much!

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