Just a quick question regarding marketboard

Forum Forums Discussion Just a quick question regarding marketboard

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  cleversleazoid 4 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #25458


    Hey all!

    I recently reached the end of my tether with the marketboard bots that have one main crafter and a legion of alts that list the crafters gear on the MB and undercut by 1 gil every 20 minutes or so. I was wondering if Miqobot has the ability to lower my gil prices on my crafted items for me? I’ve made a good amount since 5.4 dropped (in the region of 30m) but I’m fed up of having to stop what I’m doing every 30-60 minutes to go and update my prices. I was thinking I could mail the gear to an alt via a friend’s assistance and just have this alt sat at a bell and auto adjust the price when needed.

    Thanks for reading, and I appreciate any replies ๐Ÿ™‚


    The issue with this request is what if two people who were using Miqobot were set on reducing the price of the same item? It’d quickly bottom out.



    You’d be surprised; there are at least two (maybe three) people who are using scripts/bots to undercut each other on my server, it’s mainly on Exarchic gear, and the only people who are really causing the prices to bottom are the ones who cut by tens of thousands to try and get a sale, thinking that it’ll deter others from undercutting, but I don’t think they understand what they’re dealing with. I’m still selling the gear between 300-500k a piece, and it’s now over a week since the patch dropped. 1 gil every 20 or so minutes between two or three people is miniscule, and I couldn’t see there being a huge issue.

    Is this something that Miqobot can do?

    I appreciate your response!


    The issue with this request is what if two people who were using Miqobot were set on reducing the price of the same item? Itโ€™d quickly bottom out.

    Pretty much the reason why Miqobot will not develop this feature (unless for some strange reason suddenly the entire forum community requests this, which is very unlikely).

    Also, you don’t need bots to undercut by 1 gil within a minute. There is a pretty popular custom launcher for FFXIV that comes with a plugin support, and one of the plugins called “PennyPincher” automatically copies the price of the current lowest item minus 1 gil to your clipboard the moment you open the compare MB prices window.
    So essentially, if you have that plugin installed, you simply drag an item to your retainer’s market board window, click on compare prices, close immediately and just paste into the price window and confirm. Item undercutting done.

    Here a vid how it works:

    It takes me less than 1 minute to undercut everyone by 1 gil on every single item in all my retainers using that plugin.

    Iโ€™m still selling the gear between 300-500k a piece, and itโ€™s now over a week since the patch dropped.

    That is normal, because with the implementation of Ishgard Restoration, which is a really easy way to level all your crafters to max in a short time, lots of people now have max level omnicratfers, and so the supply of crafted gear is a lot higher than before, making the MB prices crash much much faster than they did during previous major patches.

    Is this something that Miqobot can do?

    No, it can’t, and there are currently no plans to develop such a feature, as it was already stated.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Arc Arc.


    Oh, that does look quite handy Arc. I was hoping for something a little more automated as I’m still having to come away from whatever I’m doing to manually do that, but at least it does make updating the price a tad simpler, thank you very much for the assist ๐Ÿ™‚

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