Issues with Crafting in background

Forum Forums Discussion Issues with Crafting in background

This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  ShadowBringerYum 5 years, 7 months ago.

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    Miqobot is continuously repeating recommended skills in the log and not doing anything when in the background, however when in the foreground she works as intended. Any suggestions on a fix, it’s really causing me to manually watch over her and have ff in the foreground.

    an example:
    (1:55:35 PM) Step 4. Recommended skill: (Great Strides)
    (1:55:40 PM) Step 4. Recommended skill: (Great Strides)
    (1:55:46 PM) Step 4. Recommended skill: (Great Strides)
    (1:55:51 PM) Step 4. Recommended skill: (Great Strides)
    (1:55:56 PM) Step 4. Recommended skill: (Great Strides)
    (1:56:02 PM) Step 4. Recommended skill: (Great Strides)
    (1:56:07 PM) Step 4. Recommended skill: (Great Strides)
    (1:56:12 PM) Step 4. Recommended skill: (Great Strides)



    You can not move your mouse since ffxiv will take the input evne in the background and miqo has to reselect the skill.
    Setting the game to windowed mode and minimizing it fixes it.



    I’ve tried that and the issue persists. I have crafting in the background while minimized quite a bit before, and have not had this issue. I initially noticed it actually after the window being minimized and checking in on the progress logs. Any other recommendations?

    Further detail, even in the foreground it will repeat the step a few times sometimes, but will eventually resolve itself. It doesn’t seem to be the ai or anything though, the recipes I’m doing atm are really simple

    the loop starts looking like this:

    (2:10:42 PM) Hitting Confirm button. :3
    (2:10:44 PM) Step 1. Recommended skill: (Great Strides)
    (2:10:49 PM) Step 1. Recommended skill: (Great Strides)
    (2:10:55 PM) Step 1. Recommended skill: (Great Strides)
    (2:11:00 PM) Step 1. Recommended skill: (Great Strides)
    (2:11:02 PM) Step 2. Recommended skill: (Steady Hand)
    (2:11:03 PM) Step 3. Recommended skill: (Standard Touch)
    (2:11:06 PM) Step 4. Recommended skill: (Great Strides)
    (2:11:08 PM) Step 5. Recommended skill: (Steady Hand)
    (2:11:10 PM) Step 6. Recommended skill: (Standard Touch)
    (2:11:13 PM) Step 7. Recommended skill: (Observe)


    This issue usually indicates that there is a keybind conflict in your game settings.
    Would you please give us more information?

    1. What shortcut is assigned to Great Strides?
    2. What shortcuts are assigned to Move Cursor actions?
    3. What shortcuts are assigned to Cycle through Tabs actions?

    You can find detailed explanation of this issue in our Keybind and Icons Recognition guide.



    Thanks for the reply! That was the first thing I suspected, however I did not check on 2 and 3. Let me do that now and update or resolve.

    Great Strides: 2
    Cursor and Cycle: an array of cntrl+alt+1-9 Image

    The problem persists, and I don’t see a conflict with keys or any numlocked hotkeys. My other crafting ability keys are mapped similarly simply, and the log process begins to look like this:

    (2:27:04 PM) Step 5. Recommended skill: (Great Strides)
    (2:27:09 PM) Step 5. Recommended skill: (Great Strides)
    (2:27:15 PM) Step 5. Recommended skill: (Great Strides)
    (2:27:20 PM) Step 5. Recommended skill: (Great Strides)
    (2:27:25 PM) Step 5. Recommended skill: (Great Strides)
    (2:27:27 PM) Step 6. Recommended skill: (Standard Touch)
    (2:27:32 PM) Step 6. Recommended skill: (Standard Touch)
    (2:27:37 PM) Step 6. Recommended skill: (Standard Touch)
    (2:27:42 PM) Step 6. Recommended skill: (Standard Touch)


    Indeed, this is a keybind conflict.
    The game always prioritizes UI actions over hotbar actions. If you have an ingame window in focus, such as Synthesis, pressing ‘2’ key will trigger UI module instead due to ‘Ctrl-Shift-2’ shortcut assigned to Move Cursor Down.

    When you make a mouse click in the game, it removes focus from the Synthesis window and the UI module no longer intercepts shortcuts. This is why it seems like it’s working with the game in the foreground.

    In order to prevent this issue, please avoid assigning similar shortcuts to hotbar actions and UI actions.



    Thank you for explaining in a way that let me fix the problem instantly and understand how to avoid it in the future. This is resolved, Miqobot is working properly!

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