Island Sanctuary Master file

Forum Forums Grids and Presets Island Sanctuary Master file

This topic contains 15 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Mewo Mewo 1 year, 8 months ago.

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  • #40450

    Hello all,

    To get to the point, the “island all” grid posted previously is too bulky and honestly runs incredibly slow compared to grids with less than 200 waypoints. I found that creating individual grids routed for optimal cycles to be much more efficient in processing speeds and pathing efficiently between nodes. I made these as I am now doing my partner’s Island and I decided I wanted things to run more efficiently.

    Attached are grids and scenarios of my own creation. They cycle an area where a specific type of item is more abundant, even if it includes a mix of a few extra random nodes to make up the 11 node reset. For example: My Isle Cotton grid and scenario will cycle through 6 cotton plants, then gather from what I determined to be the 5 nearest nodes.

    I have done this for all of the following:

    Can access on foot:
    – Isle Trees – Short Route (12x trees, 4x each unique tree)
    – Isle Trees – Long Route (40ish trees, about 10x each unique tree)
    – Isle Tinsand (7x Tinsand, 4x Random mix)
    – Isle Clay (7x Clay, 4x Random mix)
    – Isle Cotton (6x Cotton, 5x Random mix)
    – Isle Hemp & Salt (6x Salt, 5x Hemp – unfortunately you have to combine these two for efficiency)
    – Isle Limestone & Copper (also efficient for Mythril * Marble)
    – Isle Ores (4x Iron, 4x Leucroganite, 3x Quartz)
    – Isle Sugar (11 Sugar cane nodes on repeat)
    – Isle Northwest Ocean (Gathers the entire area on repeat)
    – Isle Southeast Ocean (Gathers the entire area on repeat)
    – Isle Pumpkin Seeds (10x pumpkin, 1x Palm Tree)
    – Isle Popoto and Parsnip Seeds (6x each)
    – Isle Cabbage Seeds (5x Cabbage, 6x Random mix)

    Can access with flying:
    – Isle Multibloom (12x Multiblooms)
    – Isle Quartz (also FANTASTIC for EXP from rank 10. Using this scenario nets 7820 exp per hour)
    – Isle Coal
    – Isle Mushrooms
    – Isle Stalagmite
    These last 3 cave nodes are based on efficiency per cave level. Each level seems to have more of one type, with Stalagmite being exclusive to one room. To gather the most variety, you can use Isle Stalagmite, but expect low gathers of Mushrooms and Coal.

    To use:
    Use return and run any of the scenarios. The starting point for ALL of these scenarios is outside of the comfy cabin.

    – I have named these all cleanly and added descriptions in the grids so you can understand what is going on.
    – May include a dedicated grid/scenario for Cotton (requires flying), Iron and Leucogranite in the future. For now, I don’t think it’s necessary.

    Anyways, this should be literally EVERYTHING you could ask for from the island. You are welcome. Please let me know of any issues, and I don’t mean getting stuck on a rock for 3 seconds LOL.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Mewo Mewo.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Mewo Mewo.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Mewo Mewo.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Mewo Mewo.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Mewo Mewo.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Mewo Mewo.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Mewo Mewo.

    Update: OOP found a couple of issues with the NW Ocean grid.
    Update: Noted on scenarios that the cave farming requires flight.


    Been using this for salt/hemp because unironically I’ve been extremely low on both, and so far it’s been working like a charm.
    Thank you for sharing this!


    Been using this for salt/hemp because unironically I’ve been extremely low on both, and so far it’s been working like a charm.
    Thank you for sharing this!

    c: No worries! On the other grids I made use of the terrain itself to also make them more optimized. Like, falling off the side of a cliff and dismounting halfway or finding weird inclines on steep riverbanks and large boulders that you wouldn’t expect to work.

    I would also like to suggest to everyone to put duty action 1/2 on the hotbar (Isle Sprint duty action) and remove the default sprint. I was amazed to find that this actually works for nearby waypoints that traverse by foot.

    Here’s another update:
    Just made some minor QoL pathing/waypoint type adjustments, a few grid description changes (example: I said Isle Ore gathered 4x Iron and Leucogranite – it’s actually 5x of each).

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Mewo Mewo.


    Renamed all the scenarios/grids to node names. May confuse some people but I have noted on the grid descriptions under the navigation tab exactly what each one is for.

    All of these scenarios and grids are to be executed outside of the Comfy Cabin.
    Prefix “Isle F” requires flying.
    Prefix “Isle C” requires Cave access.

    Each file is for specific points in progression
    – Pre-flying: Import “Master Foot”
    – Post-flying: Import “Master Flying” & “Master Foot”
    – Cave-Access: Import “Master Caves” & “Master Flying” & “Master Foot”

    This way you can’t get confused.

    There are now separate flying routes for specifically gathering from only the one type of node you want (no mixes):
    Speckled rock, Smooth white rock, rough black rock, bluish rock, submerged sand, mound of dirt, Cotton plant, Apple Trees, Mahogany Trees, Palm Trees, Tualong Trees. The Isle F Sugarcane scenario just adds flying but is essentially the same route.

    I have also created specific routes for gathering the three types of nodes in the caves. My previous grids/scenarios kinda just randomly gathered via proximity on “floor levels”.

    I have not done a flying route for gathering only Crystal banded rock because it is a waste of time to do that over farming the nearby Agave nodes on the east. I also haven’t done one specific to Quartz-only because it’s a waste of time to fly around when you can just autopilot the rocks at the top of the mountain and just sell your stones to 0 so you can keep hacking away.

    Please see notes on the grids, which are named exactly the same as the scenarios.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Mewo Mewo.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Mewo Mewo.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Mewo Mewo.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Mewo Mewo.


    Renamed all the scenarios/grids to node names. May confuse some people but I have noted on the grid descriptions under the navigation tab exactly what each one is for.

    All of these scenarios and grids are to be executed outside of the Comfy Cabin.
    Prefix “Isle F” requires flying.
    Prefix “Isle C” requires Cave access.

    Each file is for specific points in progression
    – Pre-flying: Import “Master Foot”
    – Post-flying: Import “Master Flying” & “Master Foot”
    – Cave-Access: Import “Master Caves” & “Master Flying” & “Master Foot”

    This way you can’t get confused.

    There are now separate flying routes for specifically gathering from only the one type of node you want (no mixes):
    Speckled rock, Smooth white rock, rough black rock, bluish rock, submerged sand, mound of dirt, Cotton plant, Apple Trees, Mahogany Trees, Palm Trees, Tualong Trees. The Isle F Sugarcane scenario just adds flying but is essentially the same route.

    I have also created specific routes for gathering the three types of nodes in the caves. My previous grids/scenarios kinda just randomly gathered via proximity on “floor levels”.

    I have not done a flying route for gathering only Crystal banded rock because it is a waste of time to do that over farming the nearby Agave nodes on the east. I also haven’t done one specific to Quartz-only because it’s a waste of time to fly around when you can just autopilot the rocks at the top of the mountain and just sell your stones to 0 so you can keep hacking away.

    Please see notes on the grids, which are named exactly the same as the scenarios.

    AAAAND updated already lol.

    – Minor cleanups of scenarios and grid descriptions – which now includes optimization tips for farming effectively on where a grid/scenario required a mixup of item gathering.
    – Split the Multicolored Isleblooms from the Quartz Mountain peak farming.
    – New dedicated grids/scenarios created for Multicolored Isleblooms and Quartz.
    – New dedicated EXP farming grid/scenario. 9990exp per 75mins!

    With that update, I think this is possibly 100% done now. I could still make a flying variations of some grids… Particularly the Popoto/Parsnip or Crystal banded rock/Agave plant grid. But there’s not really any reason to do so cause it would only save seconds.

    If you have any requests I will look into it, and you best believe I will 100% be making grids for everything new in the future. Any issues with the grids/scenarios – let me know!


    JK, condensed each stage into chapters.

    Just import files based on whether you’ve unlocked the following:

    – Pre-Flying
    Creates “Island Sanctuary – Foot” scenario. See chapter 1 for index.

    – Post-Flying:
    Please manually delete “Island Sanctuary – Foot” Scenario.
    Creates “Island Sanctuary – Flying” scenario. See chapter 1 for updated index.

    – Cave-Access:
    Delete Island “Sanctuary – Flying” scenario.
    Creates “Island Sanctuary – Caves” scenario. See chapter 1 for updated index.

    – You can rename the scenario whatever you want.
    – All scenarios come with an Index on Chapter 1.
    – All scenarios begin outside of the Comfy Cabin.
    – Set Duty Action 1/2 to your hotbar
    – If you want extra information on grids related to the scenarios, or tips on how to effectively farm by reducing inventory stock – head over to the grid descriptions of your choosing and have a read.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Mewo Mewo.

    Sorry, this is me realizing these won’t run with the index being within the first chapter. I assumed it just executed the chapter you had selected. I should have tested first. Oops.

    So regarding the previous post, the index chapter has been removed. Instead, I’m going to have to post the index per scenario here. Save them on notepad or take a screenshot. I’ll put the index in the “last” chapter in another update tomorrow.

    Pre-Flying: Island Sanctuary – Foot
    Chapter| Description
    1 | Apple/Palm/Mahogany/Tualong Trees
    2 | Submerged Sand
    3 | Mound of Dirt
    4 | Bluish/Smooth White Rock
    5 | Quartz/Smooth Black/Speckled Rock
    6 | Crystal Banded Rock/Agave Plant
    7 | Cotton Plant
    8 | Sugarcane
    9 | Southeast Ocean
    10 | Northwest Ocean
    11 | Cabbage Seeds
    12 | Parsnip/Popoto Seeds
    13 | Pumpkin Seeds

    Post-Flying: Island Sanctuary – Flying
    Chapter| Description
    1 | Multicolored Isleblooms
    2 | Apple Trees
    3 | Mahogany Trees
    4 | Palm Trees
    5 | Tualong Trees
    6 | Mound of Dirt
    7 | Submerged Sand
    8 | Quartz
    9 | Bluish Rock
    10 | Crystal Banded Rock
    11 | Rough Black Rock
    12 | Smooth White Rock
    13 | Speckled Rock
    14 | Agave Plant
    15 | Sugarcane
    16 | Southeast Ocean
    17 | Northwest Ocean
    18 | Cabbage Seeds
    19 | Parsnip/Popoto Seeds
    20 | Pumpkin Seeds
    21 | EXP farm

    Cave-Access: Island Sanctuary – Caves
    Chapter| Description
    1 | Multicolored Isleblooms
    2 | Apple Trees
    3 | Mahogany Trees
    4 | Palm Trees
    5 | Tualong Trees
    6 | Mound of Dirt
    7 | Submerged Sand
    8 | Quartz
    9 | Bluish Rock
    10 | Crystal Banded Rock
    11 | Rough Black Rock
    12 | Smooth White Rock
    13 | Speckled Rock
    14 | Agave Plant
    15 | Sugarcane
    16 | Southeast Ocean
    17 | Northwest Ocean
    18 | Cabbage Seeds
    19 | Parsnip/Popoto Seeds
    20 | Pumpkin Seeds
    21 | EXP farm
    22 | Composite Rock
    23 | Glowing Fungus
    24 | Stalagmite

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Mewo Mewo.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Mewo Mewo.

    Nevermind, can’t include an “index” for chapters whatsoever. Sad. Might have to suggest it as a feature? I noticed an error on every script anyways. Changed repeatall to repeatchapter on every single scenario.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Mewo Mewo.

    Nevermind, can’t include an “index” for chapters whatsoever. Sad. Might have to suggest it as a feature? I noticed an error on every script anyways. Changed repeatall to repeatchapter on every single scenario.


    This is amazing, and I’m using it to great success having just found this post today.

    If you ever have time/the desire. Updating your post above to include what items you can get for the rock descriptions would be helpful. For example, I need rock salt, but didn’t realize “crystal banded rock” meant that one until I got there.

    My plan is to run these and comment them in my scenario so I can remember. But that’s just a bonus request, this is perfection and I greatly appreciate your time and effort!

    Also I hope this get’s added to the Miqobot index. This is the most helpful and clean Island Sanctuary set of files out there for newbies!


    This is amazing, and I’m using it to great success having just found this post today.

    If you ever have time/the desire. Updating your post above to include what items you can get for the rock descriptions would be helpful. For example, I need rock salt, but didn’t realize “crystal banded rock” meant that one until I got there.

    My plan is to run these and comment them in my scenario so I can remember. But that’s just a bonus request, this is perfection and I greatly appreciate your time and effort!

    Also I hope this get’s added to the Miqobot index. This is the most helpful and clean Island Sanctuary set of files out there for newbies!

    Thank you! This is sort of my way of giving back to people who put in the effort when I didn’t know what the heck I was doing.

    Lmao… Because these are files I use daily, I am constantly tinkering with them. This is why this thread has become a personal blog at this point. I am still running into issues especially in regards to landing after flying. You have to be really careful not to put the landing waypoint too close to a rock or you just hover there trying to land again and again and miqobot never figures out to just move slightly to the side. So I’ve been adjusting them little by little, you may not even see an error till like the 10th round where the navigation has drifted ever so slightly between one waypoint and another. So I’ve been trying to mitigate that by creating accessible routes to begin with – unfortunately my brain slips on occasion.

    They used to be separate scenarios, each individually named for the items gathered. I had mentioned somewhere in the million posts above that I swapped them out for the node names. I went with that because it’s more “correct” to anticipate that more items will be added to the nodes in the future. However, that being said, I have decided that I would go back to naming the grids to be item-specific in lieu of having an index for scenarios. We’ll see how it goes, it really shouldn’t be that much work to update future items. c:

    Anyways so here you go! Please make sure all grids/scenarios previously imported from my old files are deleted. Otherwise you could possibly have some janky grids still left behind. Also please note that the index I posted earlier will not match whatsoever so please ignore. I will get around to making an updated index post soon.

    It goes without saying but–
    – All scenarios start outside of the comfy cabin – use Isle return before starting
    – Please put Duty Action 1/2 on your hotbar

    Looking over what I’ve accomplished here, I really do think that this is the final update needed. I have said it in the past but unless I’ve paired up the wrong grid somewhere all should work perfectly now.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Mewo Mewo.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Mewo Mewo.
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    I wish I could edit after more elapsed time. Would certainly make for a cleaner thread.

    I should have had the foresight to not post all my updates as I was tinkering. I was still learning but a lot of it was usable and functional. After some community testing and feedback, if the files are in a complete enough state – I will make a whole new thread about them and have this one trashed.

    So PLEASE give me feedback about any issues encountered.

    Note if there’s a node I have missed there may be a reason why. Particularly in node mixups to meet the 11 reset requirements in the “foot” scenario, I try to keep the numbers balanced as much as possible so you don’t cap more on one thing too early. There’s a grid where I didn’t include a Cabbage up on a hill because it’s not time effective to run all the way up there for it. It’s like 30 seconds faster to just gather an extra tinsand instead and sell all your inventory stock of sand to 0 before you start, allowing for like 900 Cabbage and 999 Tinsand/Sand in a couple of hours.


    If you ever have time/the desire. Updating your post above to include what items you can get for the rock descriptions would be helpful. For example, I need rock salt, but didn’t realize “crystal banded rock” meant that one until I got there.

    Here’s the first part. Lmao I decided to revert back to nodes cause the scenario titles were way too long tbh. I’ll do the other two indexes tomorrow.

    Pre-Flying: Island Sanctuary – Foot
    Chapter| Description
    1 | Apple/Palm/Mahogany/Tualong Trees
    | Collects from of each tree type 3x (12x total trees)

    2 | Submerged Sand
    | Tinsand/Sand

    3 | Mound of Dirt
    | Clay/Sand

    4 | Bluish/Smooth White Rock
    | Copper/Limestone/Stone

    5 | Mountain Ore
    | Quartz/Iron/Leucogranite (3:5:5 ratio)

    6 | Agave Plant/Crystal Banded Rock
    | Salt/Stone Hemp/Islewort

    7 | Cotton Plant
    | Cotton/Islewort

    8 | Sugarcane
    | Sugarcane/Vine

    9 | Southeast Ocean
    | Jellyfish/Coral, Laver/Squid

    10 | Northwest Ocean
    | Clam/Fish, Laver/Squid

    11 | Cabbage Seeds
    | Also gathers tinsand for the 11 reset – get rid of all your Sand to farm effectively

    12 | Parsnip/Popoto
    | Get rid of all your Islewort to farm effectively

    13 | Pumpkin Seeds
    | Self explanatory.

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    You are the absolute best! Thank you so much, sincerely!!

    Definitely using this until the end of time!!! <3

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