Intel 4600 (Intel HD Graphics 630) Dx 11 Issue

Forum Forums Discussion Intel 4600 (Intel HD Graphics 630) Dx 11 Issue

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  vurtrue 6 years, 10 months ago.

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    I built a micro server that has the Intel Pentium 4600 which comes with the Intel HD 630 integrated graphics and 16gb of system
    ram. I can actually play quite a few games on it without issue (lower settings) including Minecraft (it is actually meant to be a Minecraft server) and FFXIV (only using Dx9). I know for a fact that the integrated graphics does Dx11 but for the life of me FFXIV will not run at all. It will crash immediately if I try to click start game stating a Dx issue.
    Anyone else experience this? As we know Miqo will not run on Dx9 and so I’d love to get this fixed so I can have her run on my micro server while at work (it uses the same or less power than a laptop). I’m running Windows 10 Pro on the server.

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