how to craft

Forum Forums Discussion how to craft

This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by r51093 r51093 4 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #26861

    okay so this probably exists some where but i cant find it… how do you tell miqobot what to craft in scenario’s?

    like i want it to craft ” Grade 4 Skybuilders’ Brazier ” (max) and then to craft ” Grade 4 Artisanal Skybuilders’ Astroscope ” (max)

    never mind i just found it in the ? of miqobot they really need to group things together in there crafting is at the top but the resipe part in the bottom its all over the place XD

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by r51093 r51093.

    theres also the crafting tab in miqo,


    Yes, the list of functions does not have a clear structure, because it’s still in the same beta state as it was released. There hasn’t been any major upgrades for Scenario Engine yet.

    Functions are grouped as follows:

    • Start activity functions.
    • Preset functions.
    • General functions.
    • Fishing functions.
    • Gathering functions.
    • Crafting functions.
    • Navigation functions.
    • Chocobo Racing functions.
    • MGP Minigames functions.
    • Combat functions.
    • Utility functions.

    theres also the crafting tab in miqo,

    yes im was talking about in a scenario though so i can set it to craft multiple things at once like this

    solverPreset(best quality)
    recipe(Grade 4 Skybuilders' Brazier, 5)
    solverPreset(best quality)
    recipe(Grade 4 Artisanal Skybuilders' Astroscope, 6)

    im sure there are redundancy’s in there but there is no clear tutorial on miqobot and its features so im experimenting and seeing what works with what little help i can get form the help ? in miqobot its self and the comunity is nice to gather info from but its better to have that kind of info on hand then haveing to always ask for it

    Yes, the list of functions does not have a clear structure, because it’s still in the same beta state as it was released. There hasn’t been any major upgrades for Scenario Engine yet.

    Functions are grouped as follows:

    • Start activity functions.
    • Preset functions.
    • General functions.
    • Fishing functions.
    • Gathering functions.
    • Crafting functions.
    • Navigation functions.
    • Chocobo Racing functions.
    • MGP Minigames functions.
    • Combat functions.
    • Utility functions.

    i see thanks 😀

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by r51093 r51093.

    You got your answer but yeah I pretty much view the scenario as the meat and potatoes of what you want to do, and the other tabs are just background reference the scenario pulls from. Though I’m surprised you didn’t already know about the ? scenario button with your massive Diadem work.


    You got your answer but yeah I pretty much view the scenario as the meat and potatoes of what you want to do, and the other tabs are just background reference the scenario pulls from. Though I’m surprised you didn’t already know about the ? scenario button with your massive Diadem work.

    yeah XD, i knew about the ? i just could not find what i was looking for in it till i closely examined it they have things spread out and i did not understand the way they had it set up till miqobot just explaned it it just looked a mess to me but now that i know how things are setup in the ? that will make things easier to find now

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