How long is too long for botting?

Forum Forums Discussion How long is too long for botting?

This topic contains 11 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  FaiAtOppapCain 6 years, 7 months ago.

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    Hey everyone, new to botting and looking forward to buying Miqobot soon.. wanted to know what’s a good amount of time to stop botting (Gathering, MGP, ETC) to avoid getting banned? Trying to stay on the safe side.

    Also– Can you get caught at all for doing things, like crafting for hours in your house or doing say POTD solo?



    I’m not sure if my answer is going to help you, because its not like I have facts or data to back up my opinions, but I did write my experiences with botting.

    Before I started to use Miqobot, I used a programmable keyboard to just do timed macros over and over again, and I can say that I melded and retrieved materia 10k+ times in my house with no problems.. (this took 8 hours a night while I slept for almost a week) Also, whenever I did crafting, if it was a long 2 minute macro for level 60-70 stuff, my character would be crafting for 7-8 hours in my house. Honestly, I think its when you don’t raise suspicion, you’re doing okay. Crafting out in public, for 10 hours, while people are poking and trying to talk to you, and you’re just automating all these things.. looks as suspicious as it is.. being ‘afk’ in your house, is like the least suspicious thing you can do.

    Oh I spaced something too.. since it was just racing on rails, I had keyboard macros for chocobo racing, and I did that for 8 hours at a time without much concern too.. but my server is pretty dead.. to summarize all my stories, the more people that randomly come to check in on you (friends or enemies or frenemies), and the more public of a place you do your stuff in, all compounds how dangerous your botting is.

    Personally, if I’m botting publicly, I”ve been sitting at my computer, and I just leave retainer checking or inhouse crafting for when I’m away for hours.


    Simple: It’s too long as soon as you leave it unattended. I learned that the hard way with an instant 3 day ban.
    SE doesn’t mess around with that. Leave Miqo alone and you always run the risk to get punished, especially when the area is a little more populated (e.g. Gold Saucer during the make it rain event).
    As a side-note: SE might write in their ToS that at first you get a warning, then another warning, then something like a 1 day ban, then a 3 day ban, then a 1 week ban and there they might think about permabanning you, but that’s not how it’s practiced. When it comes to botting SE instantly hammers you with the 3-day-ban which is the second-hardest punishment instantly for the first offense.

    Simply follow Miqo’s recommended rule: Use it attended.
    My personal advice:
    – if you use it for farming stuff, run netflix on a second screen (or use OnTopReplica to watch something in an mini-overlay-window) so you can react if a GM texts you or someone throws emotes at you
    – if you use it for crafting just let it do its stuff. as long as you don’t craft like 5000 HQ items it’s pretty unlikely you’ll run into any problems and to be safe, just craft within your private room or FC workshop. no one checks that



    How did you end up being caught?


    The normal way: A player stood next to me, propably wondered, why I was at the woodcutting minigame for a few hours and reported me. GM checked if I answer -> didn’t -> ban for 3 days (actually 4 days, since the ban starts counting only the next day and then goes until the last day at 23:59)


    What happens if you’re set to “busy” (cant get tells)? Unless the GMs can bypass that restricion? And do you know how long the GM gave you to give him an answer? Asking for a friend.


    You can bet your sweet butt on that GM’s can bypass any chat restriction.
    And I have no clue, how long the GM gave me to answer, since as I stated the game was unattended.
    Also, you don’t have to write stuff like “asking for a friend” here. This is a bot forum. Literally every person here is breaking the SE ToS and no one uses a name who gives a clue to his IGN 😛


    Oh I know haha just being callous. I assumed the GMs can bypass such function was just curious since they do seem to have very limited abilities on FFXIV. I’ve kept mine farming stuff in the same spot for awhile but I am keeping an eye on it literally all the time, just not every second.



    You can bet your sweet butt on that GM’s can bypass any chat restriction.

    You would think so, wouldn’t you? I reported someone shortly before Eureka once, and left the Eureka instance to find a response from a GM informing me that they had been unable to PM me due to me being in Eureka.


    they had been unable to PM me due to me being in Eureka

    This on the other hand is a technical limitation, because from what I’ve heard the instance server for dungeons/raids/eureka/diadem has no possibility for the whisper chat function. So this is not a customizable restriction option, but a physical limitation.


    ^ Ive been PM’d inside duties by GMs before.



    they had been unable to PM me due to me being in Eureka

    This on the other hand is a technical limitation, because from what I’ve heard the instance server for dungeons/raids/eureka/diadem has no possibility for the whisper chat function. So this is not a customizable restriction option, but a physical limitation.

    Eureka supports whispering to other players inside the instance, and yes, I’ve been PMed during a duty by a GM myself. It honestly sounded like the GM was just phoning it in at that point, lol.

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