How Good is Combat Assist for Ninja?

Forum Forums Discussion How Good is Combat Assist for Ninja?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  SefirosuKuraudo 4 years, 9 months ago.

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    Just curious if Miqo’s combat assist works well with Ninjas



    doesn’t use anything over 70, so no meisui, no bunshin, no hyoshi ranryu. can’t even down the e5s dummy in melded 480.



    Just tested the E5S dummy on my NIN in unmelded Eden Normal i480 body gear, Neo-Ishgardian Daggers with three DH melds, and Neo-Ishgardian i480 jewelry with two melds per piece. Killed it with 18 seconds left. All I did was use Bunshin manually, and she killed it fine without Hyoshi Ranryu (she just did 30% buffed Raitons) and no Meisui’s. *shrug*

    So in my opinion, NIN is great with Miqo, even if you’re only very slightly hands-on with Miqo (like Bunshins) and don’t go all out to optimize, you’ll still be doing more DPS than 90% of the endgame playerbase. While I have done Savage with a lot of jobs with Miqo to test them out and play with them, Ninja is not one of them, so I don’t know how she will function in that environment, but as Ninja is less positionally dependent as DRG and MNK* I can’t see Miqo performing poorly in Savage content unless the player doesn’t understand the job/role well enough to help her out.

    *in some fights positionals for MNK are simply nonexistent if you’re paying attention enough to use Riddle of Earth at every opportunity.

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