How crazy can I get with Miqo and what do I have to keep in mind?

Forum Forums Discussion How crazy can I get with Miqo and what do I have to keep in mind?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Naiya Naiya 2 years, 12 months ago.

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    Context: I do have a small scripting background (as I work in tech as QA) but I’m just learning Miqo. I have done some gathering+crafting scenarios using grids others have created. now I wanted to branch out. I was wondering how crazy I could get with my Miqo scenarios?

    for instance: I want to level some trusts, turn in the drops from the dungeon, buy some ventures with the seals, repair, materia extract, and then repeat.

    Can I:

      Select the specific trusts I want to go in as?
      Chain the dungeon run? (I think this is a yes with the Ravel run)
      Teleport to uldah (I know I can do this)
      go to the GC dude
      turn stuff in
      Turn to the seal dude
      buy max ventures
      repair (I know I can do this)
      extract materia (I know I can do this)
      repeat (I know I can do this)

    The bolded stuff is what I’m not sure I can do. If a scenario gets this complex, what do I need to keep in mind to keep it manageable? What challenges do I face when creating a complex scenario with Miqo


    I can at least answer the first one. If you do all the arrow (sendkey) stuff yourself, you can certainly get miqo to choose the trusts for you. But if you use the built in combat assist squadrons (which is trusts as well) then it will select whatever the default trusts are. You can however go in ahead of time, select the dungeon, select scenario or avatars, select which trusts you want, then close the window. It will select them when you hit the squadrons command. Hope this helps.


    Thank you! that did help!

    I went a little crazy and decided to play around with things. I’m currently running the scenario to see how it goes. 2 runs of ravel, turn things in, buy ventures, repair, extract materia (if any) and start again.

    I’m an omni crafter so I didn’t have to figure out the “to to NPC to repair” it made it a mite easier.

    I do manually select my trusts before I start the scenario because I haven’t figured out the automation of the selection yet. that is the next thing I want to do (But i’m supposed to be working and not playing right now so I can’t do it :D)

    Still, Thanks @captainblunt!

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