Help: repairNpc() command

Forum Forums Discussion Help: repairNpc() command

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Miqobot Miqobot 2 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #38690


    Hello there.

    I’m having an issue with the repairNpc() command, it keeps cycling through the Mender menu indefinitely, never picking the option “Repair Gear”. I may have changed an important keybind unnoticed, but i can’t find it; nor can i find a post that may help.

    Using only the keyboard, with my current keybinds, I’m able to repair the gear.

    Gonna attach a screenshot of some of my keybinds, if you can spot a mistake or a keybind that I might’ve missed, plz tell me. Any help is appreciated <3

    Thanks in advance!

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    Thank you for reporting.

    We have managed to reproduce your issue and confirmed a new bug.
    This problem is caused by a new instance of Select String UI, which is used by certain NPCs. “Merchant & Mender” is one of them.
    Previously all instances of Select String were universal, but since Patch 6.2 it’s no longer the case. As Miqobot can not identify the new instance correctly, she can not select the necessary line in the menu.

    We are already working on a fix.
    However, it will require the implementation of new algorithms for UI navigation module, so it might take some time.

    In the meantime, please avoid using repairNpc() function with NPCs that require line selection, such as “Merchant & Mender”. Please look for exclusive Menders instead.
    We sincerely apologize for inconvenience.

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