Hello! Maybe this should be in help. Idk

Forum Forums Discussion Hello! Maybe this should be in help. Idk

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Lyfox Lyfox 5 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #11927

    Hi all! Just purchased the bot tonight, and I’m looking to level my classes 1-60. Perhaps dungeons, or Potd, I’m not sure how it works with different classes. But I was just wondering, Where do I start? 😛 I have it all loaded with no clue what to do with this beauty.

    I would also like to raise my crafting jobs.

    But again! I dont know where to start. If I select RDM, or really any other class, what do I do?


    Also, is there a way I can set abilities, I mean a certain order, like an opening for my dps, plus its rotation? So I can perform max damage? I know the opening and the roto. I just would like to set it.

    EDIT: Holy shit the assist is amazing. it knows what the fuck its doing. WOW.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Gettingahead Gettingahead.

    Hi all! Just purchased the bot tonight, and I’m looking to level my classes 1-60. Perhaps dungeons, or Potd, I’m not sure how it works with different classes. But I was just wondering, Where do I start? I have it all loaded with no clue what to do with this beauty.

    The Combat system is currently in beta stage, therefore all information including guides and tutorials is aggregated in the main sticky thread: [Beta] Combat
    Your feedback is highly appreciated!

    Also, is there a way I can set abilities, I mean a certain order, like an opening for my dps, plus its rotation? So I can perform max damage? I know the opening and the roto. I just would like to set it.

    Precise customization options, including opener optimization, will be available for all combat jobs as we move closer to complete level 70 and raiding support.



    If you’re looking to level combat jobs automatically you’ll almost certainly need to be doing it through Squadron Dungeons at this point. If you’re unaware Squadron Dungeons are unlocked through your Grand Company and let you take three NPCs into various dungeons between 20-60. Miqobot has support for enough dungeons that you can level classes to 70 quite passively, with enough time. Someone has created a very helpful scenario that runs a few dungeons with your squad, runs to a repair person to repair, then turns in all the drops for Grant Company Seals, then repeats. As long as no one on your friends list/link shells/free company reports you for being in the same dungeon all day you’re fine doing that to level.

    Unfortunately all of the early Squadron Dungeons cost more Grand Company Seals to enter than you get for trading in the drops, so you’ll want to start with as many seals as you can. Eventually you hit a point where you get more back than you put in, at which point you can cycle between high/low jobs to stay self sufficient.

    As for leveling Crafters; that is a little more complicated. You’ll definitely want to have your Botanist and Miner jobs leveled so you can get the raw materials and shards to craft, then I’d suggest just keep making whatever is good experience and takes raw materials you can gather on each crafting job. There are guides on the internet (I tend to use the ffxivguild website) for each job, if you need a little more direction.

    Miqo isn’t actually designed for automating leveling, just for easing the grind somewhat. I guess it is technically possible someone could make scenarios for gathering raw materials/shards and then crafting them into items to level, but no one has taken on that particular extremely daunting project yet.

    Good luck, feel free to keep asking questions though!


    Crafting is pretty much straightforward.
    For 1-50 fill your crafting log and grind exp with some simple recipes. At 1-20 you can buy all mats from vendors. At 20+ choose a cheap recipe and grind your way to 30. At 30+ choose another one and repeat. Then once again at 40+. For 50+ do leves and farm red scrips as you will need scrips for master books anyway. You can use my scenario generator for bulk crafting: https://miqobot.com/forum/forums/topic/crafting-scenario-generator/

    Miqo crafting solver is amazing it will figure out all the rotations for you. All you have to do is load it up with mats.

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