Getting started with crafting? Best practices.

Forum Forums Discussion Getting started with crafting? Best practices.

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  iifetap 5 years, 5 months ago.

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    Got my MIN/BTN to 80, figured I should start working on crafting. I’ve been hearing things on the forum about the “solver” and how it’s great to get some crafts up to level, but I am absolutely clueless when it comes to anything crafting.

    How do I go about getting set up with crafting? Do I look for things “in my level range” and then just buy a ton of mats for one recipe and let Miqo do the heavy lifting? Is that how people do it?



    Up to 50: Ixali dailies, levequests, grand company turn-ins, grinding.
    50 – 70: Custom deliveries, Moogle(50-60) and namazu (60-70) dailies, levequests, collectables, grinding, grand company turn-ins
    70+: Crystarium deliveries, custom deliveries, levequests, collectables, grinding, grand company turn-ins

    This is what I did, in order of preference. I only did the grand company turn-ins and levequests/ collectables when I didn’t need to spend half the day gathering mats for them. Collectables with easily obtainable mats are especially good for grinding as they don’t have a limit and they provide yellow scrips to get the manuals.

    Always do class quests. I usually spent the first part of every expansion making HQ versions of the starter gear to take me through the xpac.


    If you have time and you’re not really in a rush, just looking to get exp quick I’d recommend just crafting the base mats of every tier in HQ. With Manual, food and fc buff you will level up very quickly.
    With your gatherers 80 you should easily be able to gather the things you need.

    Also what the guy above said.



    What I did to level my crafters was craft everything in the crafting log once up to about level 35, then I found and item that had a small material requirement and let miqo craft that Item for a few hours then switched to another higher level item. Use food, manuals and FC buffs to make the leveling go real quick. I did this up to level 50, then started spamming collectibles. If you’re just starting out and your crafters are level 0, you can craft up to level 15-20 by just buying mats from vendors near that jobmaster. And as others mentioned, do the dailies from various beast tribes and GC turn-ins.

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