
Forum Forums Discussion Gathering

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Miqobot Miqobot 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #3699


    Is it possible to gather randomly in gathering spots?

    If leaving ‘Gather by name’ empty or with a ‘*’ it’ll just gather from the first slot and not randomly change slot after each mine/gather which was what i was hoping for ^^.

    A parameter for ‘Gather by name’ to gather slots randomly would be nice.

    (and on a side note, a drop down menu for categorising navigation grids for each job would be nice 🙂 )


    Yes, we consider implementing additional randomizing features for gathering after the main Stormblood 4.0 upgrades are in place. In the meantime, we recommend getting familiar with our Scenario Engine, since most extensions for basic features will be available as additional functions for Scenario Engine.

    At the moment it is already possible to setup a scenario that would change slot after each gathering node.

    The QoL improvements such as categorising navigation grids are also accepted but will require more time and planned for later versions of Miqobot.

    Thank you for your suggestions very much!

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