Gatherer achievements

Forum Forums Discussion Gatherer achievements

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Arc Arc 3 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #31815

    Hi guys

    i was wondering if anyone have any scenario presets for unlocking the following achievements:

    I caught that VII
    I found that: Botanist VII
    I found that: Miner VII

    TIA !


    The miner and botanist achievements should be doable via scenarios. However, the fisher achievement is impossible to do for the following reasons:

    To get that achievement you need 1140 different fish.
    The first problem is, that fish bites are completely based on server-side RNG. Miqobot has no feature to act based on what fish you caught. It does detect which fish you caught, but there’s nothing you can do with that, so there’s no way to tell Miqobot “stop when you caught at least one of each of these fish”.
    The second problem however is much more grave, and there’s nothing Miqobot can do about it: Catching big fish.
    To get 1140 different fish, on top of catching every fish that is always available, you need to catch a ton of big fish that have very specific spawning conditions to make them available to bite at all, like current weather, a certain weather transition (like Clouds -> Thunderstorm), Eorzea Time, and that’s not even all of it. On top of that, some fish need the “Fisher’s Intuition” buff, which is a short (usually just 1-5 minutes) buff you get for catching certain fish during your current fishing session (i.e. if you teleport to another area or log out you lose it). Some fish need a specific overlap of all of these conditions, which results in some fish not being available to catch for weeks in real life.
    And if that wasn’t already enough, you also need to catch a bunch of fish from Ocean fishing, where some also have all of the above conditions.
    Also, Diadem fish do not count towards the achievement.

    Just as an example: To catch Lancetfish there needs to be a weather transition from Fair Skies to Clouds, at 00:00 Eorzea time, and you need the fisher’s Intuition buff, which you get for catching two Mora Tecta (a very rare fish that’s only available from 22:00-23:59 ET during Fair Skies). Then, Lancetfish is only available for 2 Eorzea hours (6 minutes), and it bites extremely rarely + has a chance to escape even if it bites.

    tl;dr: it’s not possible to automate that, since you need almost every fish in the game, minus the blue spectral current fish from Ocean Fishing, and the legendary big fish, which all have extremely specific spawning conditions.


    You can definitely make a scenario for catching big fish with specific conditions. Miqobot has the necessary tools for that. But you cant make a scenario that will catch all of them at once. There are thousands of different variables which are impossible to keep track of in a single scenario. You will need multiple scenarios to get there.

    Its a good idea to use a fish tracker website like this one:


    tl;dr: it’s not possible to automate that, since you need almost every fish in the game, minus the blue spectral current fish from Ocean Fishing, and the legendary big fish, which all have extremely specific spawning conditions.

    Thanks Arc, for the details explanation ! appreciate it!

    I’ve also gone thru the scenario index and i have not seen any of miner’s and botanist presets. may i confirm with you that there aren’t any here at the moment?


    You can definitely make a scenario for catching big fish with specific conditions. Miqobot has the necessary tools for that. But you cant make a scenario that will catch all of them at once. There are thousands of different variables which are impossible to keep track of in a single scenario. You will need multiple scenarios to get there.

    Its a good idea to use a fish tracker website like this one:

    ah yes Thanks Lyfox ! much appreciated !


    You can definitely make a scenario for catching big fish with specific conditions. Miqobot has the necessary tools for that. But you cant make a scenario that will catch all of them at once. There are thousands of different variables which are impossible to keep track of in a single scenario. You will need multiple scenarios to get there.

    Its a good idea to use a fish tracker website like this one:

    I’m definitely not up to date on that matter, so I guess I was wrong in terms of the “what miqobot can detect and what you can work with” department.

    However from my understanding it isn’t really possible to tie them all together. You can make a scenario for one specific big fish at a time, but you can’t make one to collect all of them depending on if you caught a specific fish and make some kind of priority list.

    So yeah, you can make a scenario for specific fish, but not for all of them at once like Lyfox pointed out.

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